Academic Branch
S.NO. | Nature Of Record | Period Of Preservation |
A.1 | Curriculum Committee Agenda/minutes | Permanent |
2 | Correspondence with NCERT regarding textbooks | 15 years |
3 | Correspondence with the Ministry of Education- Ministry of Human Resource Development Policy matters | 15 years |
4 | Copyright Permission | 15 years |
5 | Scheme of Studies Academic/Vocational | 10 Years |
6 | Correspondence with Organisations on Project Work Overseas Projects | 10 Years |
7 | Files regarding Orientation programme/Seminars/Teacher Training | One year after the audit |
B.1 | Constitution of Committee of courses file-appointment of Convener/members | 6 years (current terms & preceding terms) |
2 | File (Committee of courses(Subject-wise) Note: Agenda and minutes of the committee of Courses be preserved for 15 years | 6 Years |
C.1 | Registration of Publishers | 2 years(Current and preceding year) |
2 | Miscellaneous correspondence | 2 years(Current and preceding year) |
(i) | Queries from schools regarding syllabi and courses/changes in syllabuses | 2 years (Current and preceding year) |
(ii) | Correspondence/clarification about the competitive programme of various agencies of national importance | 2 years(Current and preceding year) |
(iii) | Correspondence with different Boards/KVS/Directorate Education/ Other agencies | Two Years |
D.1 | Files pertaining to Textual Material | Files to be preserved upto 5 years after the expiry of the validity terms |
2 | Printing of Syllabi & Courses | Files to be preserved upto 5 years after the expiry of the validity terms |
3 | Inviting Books from Private Publishers | Files to be preserved upto 5 years after the expiry of the validity terms |
4 | File-circular/modification | Files to be preserved upto 5 years after the expiry of the validity terms |
5 | Diary/dispatch/attendance register etc. | As per norms of R & I Section |
E.1 | Casual Leave/Restricted Holiday leave account | One Year |
2 | Parliament questions | 5 Years |
F | File pertaining to the workshop for preparing sample papers | 2 Years |
Affiliation Branch
S.NO. | Nature Of Record | Period Of Preservation |
1 | Files concerning minutes of Affiliation committee and any other sub-committees appointed by the Chairman. | 01 copy each of the Agenda and Minutes to be maintained permanently, Rest of the papers to be disposed of after a period of 5 years |
2 | Files regarding laying down norms of Affiliation and changes made therein from time to time. | 5 years |
3 | Files regarding laying down of minimum qualifications for the Heads and teachers in the schools. | 5 years |
4 | Files containing important decisions taken by the Govt. of India/Board on the matters of Affiliation and other allied subjects | 5 years |
5 | Files containing important correspondence with the State Govts/Govt of India and other such Agencies with regard to matters of Affiliation etc. | 5 Years |
6 | Files in respect of each Institution affiliated with the Board: | to be weeded out after 5 years of the first affiliation after getting the following Papers as a permanent record |
i) All noting portions | ||
ii) Application for provisional affiliation/approval of middle class syllabus/upgradation/permanent affiliation | ||
iii) No objection Certificate issued by the State/UT Govt. | ||
iv) First Inspection Report with following enclosures only:- | ||
1. NOC | ||
2. Land documents/certificate | ||
3. Registration of Society with Members of Association | ||
v) The latest inspection report with annexures including certificate of land, land documents, certificate of registration of the society including Memorandum of Association, staff statement and latest 03 years audit report. | ||
vi) All Inspection Reports | ||
vii) All sanction letters | ||
7 | Papers concerning Court cases, if any | Two years after final judgement |
8 | Miscellaneous correspondence of routine nature | Two years after final judgement |
9 | Parliament questions | 5 years |
Administration Branch I / Recruitment Cell / Vigilance Unit
S.NO. | Nature Of Record | Period Of Preservation |
1 | Personal File* (file includes correspondence & notes & orders) | 5 years after the date of retirement or incidence of leaving the organization, whichever is earlier |
2 | Service books of officials entitled to retirement/terminal benefits. | 20 years after the date of retirement provided there is no litigation/representation. Pension orders in original to be pasted in Service Book. |
3 | Commutation of pension(to be read with | 20 years after the date of retirement or 5 years after the death, whichever is earlier. |
4 | Service books of staff | 20 years after the date of retirement provided There is no litigation/representation. Pension orders in original to be pasted in Service Book. |
5 | Creation and classification of posts | Permanent |
6 | Continuation/abolition/revival of posts | Permanent |
7 | Conversion of temporary posts into permanent | Permanent |
8 | Creation of posts | Permanent |
9 | Revision of scales of pay | 30 years |
10 | Upgradation of posts | Permanent |
11 | Quarterly return to employment exchange and other monthly returns, statements, progress reports etc | 2 years |
12 | Arbitration & litigation cases | 2 years after final judgement |
13 | Cases of suspension/termination & other | Death 2 years |
disciplinary action cases | Retirement/resignation- 5 years. | |
After completion of the penalty period-3 years. | ||
Vigilance clearance records/register - 1 year | ||
Samples of paper received from Admn.III- 2 years | ||
Books received from Admn.III - to be sent to Library after 2 years. | ||
Other files-As per record retention schedule of Administration. | ||
14 | GPF nomination(From part of service book) | 20 years after the date of retirement provided there is no litigation/representation. Pension orders in original to be pasted in Service Book |
15 | Gratuity | 5 years after retirement/death. |
16 | Office order/original file/register | 30 years in a scrap register |
17 | Minutes of DPC/Selection Committee | Permanent |
18 | Files/papers/documents relating to contracts, agreements etc. | Files, Papers and documents relating to contracts, agreements, etc. 05 years after contract/agreement is fulfilled or terminated. In case where audit objection raised, the relevant files and documents shall not, under any circumstances be allowed to be destroyed till such time as the objections have been cleared to the satisfaction of the audit |
19 | Register for maintaining particulars of records destroyed | Permanent |
20 | Group Insurance Scheme/papers/Register | Only agreement in a guard file be kept on permanent basis and connecting files be destroyed after 5 years |
21 | Pay Bill register | 35 years provided there is no court case. |
22 | Recruitment-condonation of break-in service | It will form a part of personal file |
23 | Scholarship cases | 2 years after final payment |
24 | Medical reimbursement, tuition fee reimbursement, insurance of stores & other general files/documents which have been closed and not required for further correspondence | 2 years after the audit. |
25 | Subsidiary files for Departmental Promotion Committee | 5 years |
26 | Test papers/ Scripts etc. | 5 years |
27 | All miscellaneous files | 2 years (after it is closed) |
28 | Attendance Register | 5 years |
29 | Nomination relating to family pension & DCR Gratuity | Original nomination to be pasted in the service book. |
30 | Surety Bonds executed in favour of a temporary or a retiring employee. | 2 years after the amount is recovered |
31 | Interest bearing advances - Motorcar/Motorcycle/Bicycle/Table Fan/Computer | 2 years after the advance is fully recovered/cleared and the accounts have been audited. |
32 | Festival advance | |
33 | G.P.F. advance | |
34 | House Building Advance | |
35 | Advance for tours | |
36 | Pay advance | |
37 | T.A. advance | |
38 | L.T.C. advance | |
39 | Advance for tour | |
40 | Advance with transfers & retirement | |
41 | Advance in lieu of leave salary | |
42 | Advance in connection with natural calamities | |
43 | Advances incidental to the conduct of examinations | |
44 | Any other advances | |
45 | Income Tax records(Copies of Income Tax Returns submitted to I.T.O.etc.) | 6 years |
46 | income Tax and C.D.S. calculations on various accounts | 3 years after audit |
47 | Withdrawal from G.P.F.for House Building. Higher technical education, medical, etc. | To form part of the Personal File |
48 | Application for Recruitment | 5 Years (after the meeting of the selection committee/Departmental Promotion Committee) |
49 | Files regarding the constitution of the Board and its various committees, meetings of the Board and follow up action on the directives of the Board. | Permanent |
50 | Files regarding the amendment to the regulations of the Board including approval received from the controlling authority | Permanent |
51.a | Files/regarding formation of the Board as a registered society. | Permanent |
b | Files containing annual returns filed with the Registrar of Societies & correspondence therewith. | 5 Years |
52 | Minutes of the Governing Body of the Board along with the Agenda papers and Minutes and Agenda papers for the Statutory Committees as defined in the Manual(To be kept in hard-bound volumes). | Permanent |
53 | Records of the mini store, leave applications, concerned registers and any other file concerning administrative matters | Retention period as indicated against respective matters under Administration Units. |
54 | Answer Sheets, un-used Question papers, application forms along with the relevant material of recruitment test of different category of posts in CBSE of all groups | 6 months from the date of final selection/declaration of results/issuance of appointment letters |
55 | Application forms/folders along with relevant material of National and CBSE awardee teachers as well as particulars of all other teachers/principals who are not selected for these awards. | 01 years from the date of distribution of National and CBSE awards to teachers |
56 | Minutes of Regional Selection Committees and Central award Committees for National/CBSE award to teachers and related files | 10 Years |
57 | Files relating to DPCs/Selection Committees of all categories | 20 Years |
Administration II & III
S.NO. | Nature Of Record | Period Of Preservation |
1 | Files regarding purchase of paper, ledger paper, pulpboard, art paper, drawing sheets, ivery card, safety bags, binding material. | 2 years provided there is no audit object/dispute pending |
2 | Correspondence with Electricity Deptt. | |
3 | Correspondence with Regional Offices. | |
4 | Printing of answer-books, continuous stationery, forms, text-books, syllabi, L.O. & S.Q.P & Other Misc. printing & price fixation. | |
5 | Files regarding the purchase of Office furniture, furnishing etc. | |
6 | Payment of bills pertaining to water & electricity, telephone, telex, Fax telegraphic addresses, etc. | 2 years provided there is no audit objection/dispute pending |
7 | Misc. files such as the purchase of stationery, liveries, sale of the used answer- books, rubber stamps, nameplates, etc., hire of furniture, tempo, trucks, etc., preparation of medals and maintenance of furniture & equipment etc. | Original bills to be attached with payment vouchers. Other papers be weeded out after 2 years provided there is no audit objection/dispute |
8 | Files regarding - installation of telephones, 'telexes, fax, electric meters, water meters, lease deeds of properties, agreements of properties, etc. | Permanent |
9 | Building construction ideas with all other relevant files | Permanent |
10 | Purchase of Motor Vehicle. Three Wheeler, Motor Cycle, Cycle, Air conditioners, Fans, Water Coolers, Type Writers, duplicators, photocopying machines and any equipment of this type or any other article having a long life span. | One year after condemnation & audit |
11 | Computer & allied equipment | One year after condemnation & audit |
12 | File regarding Rpm of office equipment | 2 years after completion of audit provided there is no audit objection |
13 | Files regarding Maintenance of buildings | 2 years after audit |
14 | Disposal of unusable items | 2 years after audit |
15 | Purchase of electrical items | 2 years after audit |
16 | Purchase of cycles | 2 years after audit |
17 | Purchase of office books | 2 years after audit |
18 | Hiring of accommodation | 2 years after the vacation of the building provided there is no audit objection or legal dispute pending. |
19 | Files, papers and documents relating to contracts, agreement, etc. | 05 years after contract/agreement is fulfilled or terminated, In case where audit objections have been raised, relevant files and documents be retained till such time the objections are cleared to the satisfaction of the audit |
Cash/Stores/Accounts Branch
S.NO. | Nature Of Record | Period Of Preservation |
1 | General Balance Sheet and Minutes of Finance Committee with agenda | Permanent records in a Master file, subsidiary files may be disposed off after 5 years. |
2 | Cash Book | 10 years |
3 | Income Register(detail books) | 10 years |
4 | Bank book | 10 years |
5 | Expenditure Register | 10 years |
6 | Deadstock register | Permanent |
7 | Counter-foils/chequebooks | 1 year after the audit |
8 | Vouchers(contingent) | 10 years |
9 | Cheque A/C register & receipt account registers | 10 years |
10 | Outstanding cheque lists & bank statements | 5 years |
11 | Subsidiary registers, C.C.examination, head-wise register | 5-years-or-one year after audit, whichever is later |
12 | TA/DA register | 5 years or one year after audit, whichever is later |
13 | Acquittance Roll | 35 years or one year after the completion of audit, whichever is later |
14 | Money Order Register | 2 years or audit whichever is later |
15 | Receipt Books | 2 year |
16 | Deposit Slips(Bank) | 2 year |
17 | Advance Register (temporary advance) | 2 year |
18 | Correspondence files | 2 year |
19 | Files concerning budget estimate and revised Budget Estimate | 2 year |
20 | Subsidiary payment register | 5 years after audit |
21 | Stationery/consumable register | 2 years, In case of any objection from audit these be kept till the settlement of objection |
22 | Indent Forms | |
23 | Answer-books A/C regarding(answer-books) | |
24 | Forms Register | |
25 | Audit & Inspection | 2 years after inspection provided all items have been settled. |
26 | Reconciliation statement with files, FDRs files, Budgets files and Monthly statement with files may be preserved. (Suggestion received from RO Ajmer). | 5 years |
Receipt & Issue Section
S.NO. | Nature Of Record | Period Of Preservation |
1 | Dispatch Register | 2 years or upto completion of audit provided there is no objection of audit. |
2 | Diary Register | |
3 | Journals | |
4 | File of Franking Machine | |
5 | IPO/BD Register | |
6 | Peon Books | 2 Years |
S.NO. | Nature Of Record | Period Of Preservation |
1 | Files & Minutes of Examination Committee, guard files, court cases and their decisions | Permanent |
2 | Statistics(records) for all examination sections | 5 Years |
3 | Parliament question correspondence with the Ministry of Human Resource Development | 5 Years |
4 | Admission Cases files | 01 year after dispatch of Pass Certificates of the exam year |
5 | Cases of refund/holding over | 2 years or audit whichever is later |
6 | Statement of examination fee for the reimbursement for SC/ST candidates | |
7 | Printing of forms orders etc. | |
8 | Exemption from third language to foreign nationals | |
9 | Proforma for showing internal subjects results | |
10 | Change of subjects/code | 01 year after dispatch of Pass Certificate of the exam. |
11 | Change of Centre file | |
12 | Correspondence regarding appointment of centre supdt. | |
13 | Correspondence regarding fixation of centers | |
14 | Correspondence regarding late declaration of results/Result Late cases | 01 year after dispatch of pass certificate of the exam |
15 | Correspondence regarding corrections in candidates name/date of birth, father's name in Marks-Statement/Certificates | 2 Years |
16 | Proforma for probable No. of candidates | 1 Years |
17 | Appointment of Inspectors | 1 Years |
18 | Computerised list of candidates & proforma | 1 year |
19 | Miscellaneous correspondence by each group | 1 Years |
20 | Attendance Sheet/Centre Memo | 1 year for RL/RW cases 1 year after declaration of result |
21 | List of candidates | 10 years from the year of Examination |
22 | Forms for Private/Improvement candidates | 10 years from the year of Examination. |
23 | Fee Statement | 2 years after audit |
24 | Attendance Register | 5 years |
25 | Correspondence with Private candidate | 1 year after the audit |
26 | Correspondence with affiliated School | 1 year after the audit |
27 | Period for preservation of IX and XI Registration Records | Along with the answer books of the relevant examination |
28 | Period of preservation of hard copies of the marks sent by the schools for Classes IX & X to the Board | Along with the answer books of the relevant examination |
Coordination Unit/Secret Unit/Computer Unit
S.NO. | Nature Of Record | Period Of Preservation |
1 | Important Notes & Orders file | 10 years |
2 | File of correspondence with the moderators/paper setters regarding text book | 2 Years |
3 | Files of notes & orders regarding, marking scheme & books | 2 Years |
4 | Books | To be retained in the Secret Unit till these are prescribed thereafter retained in the Library |
5 | Press release of result | 2 years |
6 | File for setting of question papers for Class X/XII examination | 3 years provided there is no litigation |
7 | File for moderation of question papers | 3 years provided there is no litigation |
8 | Statistics of results file | 20 years To be maintained by Computer Unit. |
9 | Office copies of letters sent to the paper setters regarding marking scheme. | 3 year |
10 | File of complaints of question papers. | 2 years provided there is no litigation. |
11 | Misc. Interdepartmental | 1 year |
12 | Correspondence file | 1 year |
13 | Set of Question papers administered | 03 years including the year of examination |
14 | Blue-print copies of the modified marking scheme of all the examinations | 1 year |
15 | Empty question papers envelopes | 1 Month after the examination is over |
16 | The extra question papers which are left unused after preparing sets for office use/sale | 2 Months |
17 | Files pertaining to policy decisions for Physically handicapped children, printing of LOC/Registration forms- cards/datesheets/ UFM cases/Marking Schemes | Noting Portion - permanent record. Correspondence portion - 05 years including the year of examination |
18 | File regarding correspondence with the Publishers regarding obtaining of textbooks | Deleted |
Confidential Branch
S.NO. | Nature Of Record | Period Of Preservation |
1 | Index Registers of examiners | 2 years |
2 | File of printing of forms | 2 Years |
3 | Files regarding appointment of Chief Secrecy Officers/Secrecy Officers | 2 Years after audit |
4 | File containing important circulars received from the Academic Branch with regards to changes in the syIlabus. | 3 years provided there is no litigation. |
5 | The examiners' applications and merit lists along with acceptance forms and assessment reports. | 2 years |
6 | Files containing bills of secrecy teams and Class IV staff thereto | One year after audit. |
7 | Casual leave Account | 1 year |
8 | (I) Cases for unfair means | 1 year provided no court case/dispute is pending |
(ii) Order of the Committee | Permanent | |
9 | Form of receipt of the delivery of answer books bags which are received from the examiners | 1 year |
10 | Form of Certificate from Head/Additional Head Examiners | |
11 | Form of attendance sheets of examiners | |
12 | Relation appearing/refusal & general correspondence with the examiners | |
13 | Form of script mark-sheet proforma from Head-Examiner/Additional Head-Examiner. | |
14 | Proforma of the relation appearing of the official | |
15 | Letter received in the office undelivered in Unfair Means Cases. | |
16 | Stationery receipts which are received from the secrecy officer | |
17 | Forms for the use of Head Examiners | 3 Months from the date of declaration of the results |
18 | Forms of report on students performance by Head-Examiner/Additional Head-Examiner/Sub-Examiner | To be forwarded to Academic Branch and weeded after one year |
Answer Book Cell
S.NO. | Nature Of Record | Period Of Preservation |
1 | Duplicate copies of the award lists of all the Examinations | 1 year |
2 | Extra copies of computerized tabulation registers and gazette may be kept for one year/burnt after one year and one copy of the above may be kept for the permanent record in the Regd./Regional Office | 50 Years |
3 | Memo regarding acknowledgement of answer books | 1 Year |
4 | a) Answer books of candidates(both for main and | 3 years provided there is no litigation. |
b) answer books in cases where mistake has been detected on account of verification of marks/grades and those cases seeking photocopy of answer book(s). | Mistake detected on account of verification of marks/grades-01 year from the date of declaration of result. In case of providing photocopy of answer book(s) -01 year if no RTI case received and 03 years if RTI case received | |
c) answer books of sub-judice cases | 01 year after the final judgement | |
5 | Evidence of Assessment a) Class IX b) Class X | Along with the answer books of class IX of the relevent examination |
6 | Award Lists | 1 year |
7 | Rechecking cases | 1 year |
8 | Correspondence files | 1 year |
9 | Gazettes | 50 year |
10 | Tabulation Result sheets | 50 year |
Note: Provided those are no court cases 1 pending (Sr. No.1-9) | ||
11 | Practical Award List | 3 year |
12 | Slips of Theory Answer Books (containing real & fictitious Roll Nos. | may be sold after fearing the same in two pieces in place of burning in order to avoid pollution and safety of environment. |
Marks & Migration Branch
S.NO. | Nature Of Record | Period Of Preservation |
1 | Counter-files original certificates issued by the Board to the candidates for passing the Board's examinations | 50 year |
2 | Counter foils of Mark Statement(X/XII) | 15 Years |
3 | Tabulation registers and the gazettes of all the examinations conducted by the Board | 50 Years |
4 | Papers relating to Central Board of High/Higher Education | 35 Years |
5 | Maintenance of register for accounts of blank documents | 50 Years |
6 | Consumption registers for various documents for use of blank documents | 50 Years |
7 | List of candidates and application forms of Private candidates | 10 Years |
8 | Papers relating to verification of educational certificates | 1 year provided there is no court-case. |
9 | Court cases | 2 years after the date of decision |
10 | Papers/orders relating to correction in names/surname/father's name/date of birth/change in name/surname/father's name | 50 Years |
11 | Miscellaneous papers | 1 Year |
12 | Application forms filled by the candidates for issue of various duplicate documents | 1 year after audit |
13 | Registers for registration of requests for the issue of various duplicate document. | 2 years after audit |
14 | Counter-foils of provisional/Migration/Date of Birth/Mark Statement issued to the candidates as per requests submitted by them | 1 Year |
Period of Preservation of Answer Books/Evidence of Assessments/Hard Copies of Marks by School in Respect of Classes IX & X
1. | Answer books of Candidates(both for main and improvement of Performance examination) | Upto 02 months after declaration of result in respect of such candidates who have not applied for verification of grades or sought photocopy of the answer book |
2. | Answer books in cases where mistake has been detected on account of verification of grade and those cases seeking photocopy of answer book(s) as under - | |
- mistake detected on account of Verfication of grades | 01 year from the date of declaration of result | |
- In case of providing photocopy of answer book(s) | 01 year if no RTI case received and 03 years if RTI case received | |
3. | Answer books of sub-judice cases | 01 year after the final judgement |
4. | Evidence of assessments of classes IX & X | along with the answer books of class X of the relevant examination viz. for 2013 Closs X examination the evidence of assessments of class IX session 2011-2012 and Class X session 2012-2013 be weeded out 02 months after declaration of result of class X. However, Mistake, RTI and sub-judice cases will be dealt as per paras (2) & (3) above |
5. | Hard copies of marks data for classes IX and X | along with the answer books of the Class X examination of the relevant year viz. for 2013 Class X examination the evidence of assessments of class IX session 2011-2012 and Class X session 2012-2013 be weeded out-02 months after declaration of result of class X. |
S No. | Name of the Article/Document to be weeded out | Period of Preservation |
1. | Unsold Information Bulletin and Application Form | To be Preserved Upto the declaration of result of the JEE |
2. | Filled in application forms | To be Preserved upto 30th September every year. Record of the legal case is to be preserved till the final decision of the Hon'ble Court |
3. | Various Computer Reports of JEE | To be Preserved upto 30th September every year. |
4. | Unused text Booklets/Question Papers | Upto 30th September every year. |
5. | Answer Sheets | Upto 30th September every year. Record of the legal cases is to be preserved till the final decision of the Hon'ble Court |
6. | Correspondence related to preparation of JEE e.g. files of custodians, observers. evaluators, centres, Coordinators, law & order enforcement agencies, different tenders, etc. except noting portion containing orders of the competent authority. | upto two years |
7. | Reports about the conduct of examination received from Observers, Co-ordinators, City Co-ordinators, and Board's Representatives. | upto two years |
8. | Miscellaneous Correspondence by each group | upto 30th September every year. |
9. | Empty Question Paper/Test-Booklet Envelopes received from centers for JEE | upto 30th September every years. |
10. | Tabulation of Candidates: | |
a) Placed in Merit | To be preserved upto five year | |
b) Not placed in Merit | To be preserved upto five year | |
c) All Candidates appeared in JEE | To be preserved upto five year | |
11. | Different field in proforma received from the center in the form of Appendices. | To be Preserved |
a) Seating Plan | upto 30th September every year. | |
b) Undertaking from the candidates | upto 30th September every year. | |
c) Attendance sheet | upto 30th September every year. | |
d) Absentee Proforma | upto 30th September every year. | |
e) Receipt of QP by Cent. Supt. | --do-- | |
f) Certificate for opening of sealed test booklet parcels | --do-- | |
g) Certificate for packing of unused test booklet | --do-- | |
h) Room wise receipt of answer sheets | To be preserved upto 30th September every year. | |
i) Certificate for packing Answer Sheet | --do-- | |
j) Challan Summary | --do-- | |
k) Guidelines for Center Supdt., Invigilators and Observers | --do-- | |
l) List of candidates selected for JEE | To be Preserved upto one year | |
m) Centre Notification | --do-- | |
n) List of Observers and City Obs. | --do-- | |
o) List of Board's Representatives | --do-- | |
p) List of City Co-ordinators | --do-- | |
q) List of Custodians | --do-- | |
r) Receipt of Confidential Parcels by Cent.Supdt. | Upto 30th September every year | |
s) Attendance Sheet of Paper-I/II | Upto 30th September every year. Record of the Legal case is to be preserved till the final decision of the Hon'ble Court | |
t) Master copy of list of candidates | To be preserved upto one year | |
u) Merit List Roll No. wise and Rankwise | To be preserved upto one year | |
12. | Evaluation of JEE | |
a) Record of Evaluation of Answer books of(Architecture) | To be preserved upto one year | |
b) Proforma for handling/taking over of answer books | --do-- | |
c) Near relation certificate | --do-- | |
d) Guidelines for Spot Evaluation | --do-- | |
e) Report of AHE | --do-- | |
f) List of Evaluators | --do-- | |
13. | Dispatch Register | Preserved for Two years or upto the completion of Audit provide there is no audit objection. |
14. | a) Diary Register | --do-- |
b) Journals | --do-- | |
c) File of Franking Machine | --do-- | |
d) IPO/BD Register | --do-- | |
e) Peon Book | --do-- | |
15. | Record of Admn. & Accounts. | For all records, the preservation period would be similar to the existing weeding out rules. |
S No. | Name Of The Article/document To Be Weeded Out | Period of Preservation |
1 | Used & Unused Text booklet | To be preserved upto November-December |
2 | Attendance Sheet | --do-- |
3 | Answer Sheet | To be preserved upto November-December every year. Record of the legal cases is to be preserved till the final decision of the Hon'ble Court. |
S No. | Name Of The Article/document To Be Weeded Out | Period of Preservation |
1 | Unsold Information Bulletin and Application Form | To be preserved upto declaration of NEET Final result. |
2 | Filled in application forms including rejected forms | upto 60 days after declaration of result. Records of the legal cases are to be preserved till the final decision of the Hon'ble Court, CIC, SIC and RTI Act cases. |
3 | a) Various Computer Reports NEET (Pre.) Examination. | --do-- |
b) Various Computer Reports NEET (Final) Examination. | --do-- | |
4 | Unused text booklet/Question Papers a) NEET (Preliminary) | --do-- |
b) NEET (Final) | --do-- | |
5 | a) Answer sheets of NEET (Preliminary) Examination. | To be preserved upto 60 days after declaration of result. Record of the legal cases is to be preserved till the final decision of the Hon'ble Court. |
b) Answer sheets of NEET (Final) Examination. | To be preserved 60 days after declaration of result. Record of the legal/CIC/SIC cases & RTI cases is to be preserved till the final decision of the Hon'ble Court. | |
6 | 6. Correspondence related to preparation of NEET Examination e.g. files of custodians, observers, centres, coordinators, law & orders enforcement agencies, different tenders etc. except noting portion containing orders of the competent authority. | To be preserved upto 2 years |
7 | Reports about the conduct of examination received from Observers, Coordinators, City Coordinators and Board's representative. | --do-- |
8 | Misc. correspondence by each group. | To be preserved upto 60 days after declaration of result. |
9 | Empty Question Paper/Test Booklet Envelopes received from center for NEET (Pre & Final) | To be preserved upto 60 days after declaration of result. |
10 | Tabulation of candidates. | |
a) List of candidates selected for NEET Final examination | To be preserved upto three years. | |
b) Placed in Merit | To be preserved upto three years. | |
c) Not placed in Merit | To be preserved upto three years. | |
d) All candidates appeared in NEET(Preliminary) | --do-- | |
11 | Different filled in proforma received from the center in the form of Appendices. | |
A) NEET Preliminary examination | ||
a) Seating Plan | To be preserved upto 60 days after declaration of result. | |
b) Undertaking from candidate | To be preserved upto 60 days after declaration of result. | |
c) Attendance Sheet | To be preserved upto 60 days after declaration of result. Record of the legal case is to be preserved till the final decision of the Hon'ble Court. | |
d) Absentee Proforma | To be preserved upto 60 days after declaration of result. | |
e) Receipt of QP by Centre Supdt. | --do-- | |
f) Certificate for opening of sealed test booklet parcels | --do-- | |
g) Certificate of packing of unused test booklet | -do- | |
h) Room wise receipt of answer sheets | -do- | |
i) Certificate of packing of answer sheets. | -do- | |
j) Challan Summary | -do- | |
k) Guidelines for Centre Supdt., Invigilators and observers | To be preserved upto one year. | |
l) Centre Notification | -do- | |
m) List of Observers and City Observers | -do- | |
n) List of Board's Representatives | -do- | |
o) List of City Co-ordinators | -do- | |
p) List of Custodians | -do- | |
B) NEET Final Examination | ||
a) Seating Plan | To be preserved upto 60 days after declaration of result | |
b) Receipt of confidential Parcels by Centre Supdt. | To be preserved upto 60 days after declaration of result | |
c) Attendance Sheet | To be preserved upto 30th September every year. Record of the legal/RTI cases is to be preserved till the final decision of the Hon'ble/CIC/SIC | |
d) Absentee Proforma | To be preserved upto 14th August every year. | |
e) Certificate of opening sealed parcels of QP | -do- | |
f) Certificate of packing of unused answer books/question papers | -do- | |
g) Room wise receipt of answer books | -do- | |
h) Certificate of packing answer books | -do- | |
i) Challan Summary | -do- | |
j) Guidelines for Centre Supdt., Invigilator & Observers | -do- | |
k) Master copy of list of candidates | To be preserved upto one year. | |
l) Master list - roll no wise and rank wise | -do- | |
m) Centre Notification | -do- | |
n) List of Observers and City Observers | -do- | |
o) List of Board City Co-ordinators | -do- | |
p) List of City Co-ordinators | -do- | |
q) List of Custodians | -do- | |
r) Photocopies of the application form of candidates placed in Merit and Wait | -do- | |
12 | Information Sheet filled in by successful candidates during counselling | -do- |
13 | Dispatch Register | Two years or upto the completion of Audit provided there is no audit objection. |
14 | BNPL Dispatch records | -do- |
15 | Diary Register | -do- |
Journals | -do- | |
File of tracking machine | -do- | |
IPOO/BD Register | -do- | |
Peon Book | -do- | |
16 | Records of Administration & Accounts | For all records, the preservation/period would be similar to the existing weeding out rules. |
Legal Cases
Before weeding out the records/documents, details of the Hon'ble Court cases and the cases under RTI Act-2005 would be obtained from the Joint Secretary(legal)/Section Officer(Legal)/other related officials and the records of such cases would be preserved till the final decision of the Hon'ble Court or CIC in the matter.
Students Global Aptitude Test
Though all the record remains with the school(s)concerned, however, any record sent to the Board by the School be retained till 30th September of the year of examination and weeded out thereafter.
S No. | Nature Of Record | Period of Preservation |
1 | First application in case first appeal not received | 01 Year from the date of receipt of the application |
2 | In case First Appeal received | 03 Years from the date of receipt of the first appeal |
Method of Weeding Out
Approval would be obtained from the Competent Authority of the Board to weed out the records/documents as per weeding out rules. In case, any important records like answer sheet, etc. is proposed to be weeded out, the disposal should take place under the supervision of a Committee comprising of atleast three officials and constituted/approved by the competent authority.