The school seeking Affiliation must satisfy the following conditions as per norms of Affiliation Bye-laws 2018 : -

       Clause : 4.7.6 The school shall follow the guidelines related to the safety of the children in schools contained in the following:

  1. The guidelines issued by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in Writ Petition (Civil) no. 483 of 2004 in the matter of Avinash Mehrotra (Petitioner) Versus Union of India & Others (Respondents)

  2. The Guidelines on School Safety Policy, 2016 issued by the National Disaster Management Authority which is statutory in nature.

  3. Manual on Safety and Security of Children in Schools Developed by National Commission for Protection of Child Rights.

  4. National Building Code-2005, as amended from time to time.

       Manual on safety and security of children in schools (NCPCR)

       Regulatory guidelines for hostels of educational institutions for children (NCPCR)

       Regulatory guidelines for private play schools (NCPCR)

       Guidelines on School Safety Policy (NDMA)

Clause : 4.7.7 The School should scrupulously observe prescription from the State Government/Municipal Authority/Transport Department regarding health & hygiene, drinking water, fire safety, building safety and transport precautions in the school.

Clause : 2.5.5 The school situated in foreign country shall procure and submit the Building, Fire, Water and Hygiene Safety Certificates if issued by concerned department/s in the respective country. In case, these certificates are not being issued in the respective country, the school shall submit a declaration/affidavit stating the same.

Clause : 4.4.5 There should be adequate provisions related to cyber safety in the computer laboratory and students should be allowed in the laboratory under the supervision of a teacher only.