The school seeking Affiliation must satisfy the following conditions as per norms of Affiliation Bye-laws 2018 : -
Clause : 4.7.6 The school shall follow the guidelines related to the safety of the children in schools contained in the following:
- The guidelines issued by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in Writ Petition (Civil) no. 483 of 2004 in the matter of Avinash Mehrotra (Petitioner) Versus Union of India & Others (Respondents)
- The Guidelines on School Safety Policy, 2016 issued by the National Disaster Management Authority which is statutory in nature.
- Manual on Safety and Security of Children in Schools Developed by National Commission for Protection of Child Rights.
- National Building Code-2005, as amended from time to time.
Manual on safety and security of children in schools (NCPCR)
Regulatory guidelines for hostels of educational institutions for children (NCPCR)
Clause : 4.7.7 The School should scrupulously observe prescription from the State Government/Municipal Authority/Transport Department regarding health & hygiene, drinking water, fire safety, building safety and transport precautions in the school.
Clause : 2.5.5 The school situated in foreign country shall procure and submit the Building, Fire, Water and Hygiene Safety Certificates if issued by concerned department/s in the respective country. In case, these certificates are not being issued in the respective country, the school shall submit a declaration/affidavit stating the same.
Clause : 4.4.5 There should be adequate provisions related to cyber safety in the computer laboratory and students should be allowed in the laboratory under the supervision of a teacher only.