CBSE Headquarter Location
- Address : Shiksha Kendra, 2, Community Centre,Preet Vihar, Delhi - 110092
- Enquiry : 011-22509256, 22509257, 22509258, 22509259
- CBSE Helpline Number : 7669886950, 1800-11-8002
- Email ID : info[dot]cbse[at]gov[dot]in
CBSE Office
Shiksha Kendra, 2, Community Centre, Preet Vihar, Delhi - 110092 Email: chmn-cbse[at]nic[dot]in Tel: 011-22467263, 22023737, 23220154 Fax: 011-22515826, 23232961 |
Heads Of Departments (HQ) |
Tel: 011-22549627, 22549628 Fax: 011-22459735 Email: secy-cbse[at]nic[dot]in |
DR. ANTRIKSH JOHRI Director (IT and Projects), CISO & CDO |
Tel: 011-22436196 Fax: 011-22059188 Email: director-it[at]cbse[dot]gov[dot]in |
DR. SANYAM BHARDWAJ Controller of Examinations |
Tel: 011-22515828 Fax: 011-22057089 Email: controller[at]cbse[dot]gov[dot]in |
SH. MANOJ KUMAR SRIVASTAVA Director (Training) |
Tel:011-22043634 Fax : -- Email: drtrgcbse[at]gmail[dot]com |
SH. VIVEK KUMAR SINGH, IRSEE Chief Vigilance Officer |
Tel: 011- 22524152 Fax : 011-22025545 Email : cvo[dot]cbse[at]nic[dot]in |
Piush Kumar Sharma Director (Professional Examinations) |
Tel:011-22019683, 011-22059682, 011-22521081 Fax : 011-22509251 Email: peunit[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in |
Heads Of Departments (Rouse Avenue & Patparganj) |
Dr. Praggya M. Singh Director (Academics) |
Tel: 011-23212603 Fax: 011-23234324 Email: directoracad.cbse[at]nic[dot]in |
DR. BISWAJIT SAHA Director (Skill Education) |
Tel:011-23216963, 23214737 Fax:011-23232961 Email: directorvoc[dot]cbse[at]gmail[dot]com, biswajitsaha[at]cbse[dot]gov[dot]in |
SH. J.K. Yadav Director (CTET) |
Tel: 011-22235774 Fax: 011-22235775 Email: ctet[dot]cbse[at]nic[dot]in |
Chairman's Secretariat | |||
Sanjay Kumar Deputy Secretary |
Tel: 011-22023737, 23220154, 22467263 Fax: 011-22515826, 23232961 |
Pushpa Rani Sachdeva Principal Private Secretary |
Tel: 011-22023737, 23220154, 22467263 Fax: 011-22515826, 23232961 |
Administration | Sh. Himanshu Gupta, IAS Secretary |
Tel: 011-22549627, 22549628 Fax:011-22459735 Email: secy-cbse[at]nic[dot]in |
Seema Nagpal Senior Principal Private Secretary |
Tel: 011-22549627, 22549628 Fax:011-22459735 Email: secy-cbse[at]nic[dot]in |
I Margaret Catherine Joint Secretary(I.T.) |
Tel: -- Fax: -- Email: -- |
Vijay Singh Joint Secretary (Admin & Legal) |
Tel: 011- 22517252, 011-22420300 Fax: 011-22517252 Email: jsal.cbse[at]nic[dot]in |
Sanjeev Sharma Deputy Secretary |
Tel: -- Fax: -- Email: -- |
Pritam Dass Saluja Under Secretary |
Tel: -- Fax: -- Email: -- |
Legal Unit | Sh. Himanshu Gupta, IAS Secretary |
Tel: 011-22549627, 22549628 Fax:011-22459735 Email: secy-cbse[at]nic[dot]in |
Arvind Deputy Secretary (Legal) |
Tel: 011-22449623 Email: cbselegalcell[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in |
Scholarship | Pritam Dass Saluja Under Secretary |
Tel: 011-22044166 Email: scholarship.cbse[at]nic[dot]in |
I.T. Department | Dr. Antriksh Johri Director (IT and Projects), CISO & CDO |
Tel: 011-22436196 Fax: 011-22059188 Email: director-it[at]cbse[dot]gov[dot]in |
Anju Batra Principal Private Secretary to Director (IT) |
Tel: 011-22436196 Fax: 011-22059188 Email: director-it[at]cbse[dot]gov[dot]in |
Kamal Kumar Khandelwal Joint Secretary (IT) |
Tel: 011-22044164 Email: kamalcbse[at]gmail[dot]com |
Navin Maini Joint Secretary (IT) |
Tel : 011-22528257 Email: cbse[dot]aff[at]nic[dot]in |
Divya Bhardwaj Under Secretary (IT) |
Tel: -- Email: hqitsupport[dot]cbse[at]nic[dot]in |
Sakshi Dawar Under Secretary (IT) |
Tel: -- Email: -- |
Examination Department | Dr. Sanyam Bhardwaj Controller of Examinations |
Tel: 011-22515828 Fax: 011-22057089 Email: controller[at]cbse[dot]gov[dot]in |
Sanjeev Kumar Sahni Senior Principal Private Secretary |
Tel: 011-22515828 Fax: 011-22057089 Email: controller[at]cbse[dot]gov[dot]in |
Punam Rani Joint Secretary |
Tel: 011-22524484 Fax: Email: su[dot]cbse[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in |
Sunita Rani Joint Secretary |
Tel: 011-22513837 Fax: Email: su[dot]cbse[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in |
Madhu Pant Senior Principal Private Secretary |
Tel: 011-22513837 Fax: Email: su[dot]cbse[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in |
Sunil Kumar Senior Private Secretary |
Tel: 011-22517250 Fax: Email: su[dot]cbse[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in |
Prem Lata Senior Private Secretary |
Tel: 011-22517250 Fax: Email: su[dot]cbse[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in |
Madan Mohan Section Officer |
Tel: 011-22057089 Fax: Email: su[dot]cbse[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in |
Ramesh Lal Section Officer |
Tel: 011-22517250 Fax: Email: su[dot]cbse[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in |
Co-ordination | Dr. Sanyam Bhardwaj Controller of Examinations |
Tel: 011-22515828 Fax: -- Email: controller[at]cbse[dot]gov[dot]in |
Dr. Shvetta Arora Joint Secretary |
Tel: 011-22420400 Fax: -- Email: js-coord[at]cbse[dot]gov[dot]in |
Meenu Joshi Deputy Secretary |
Tel: 011-22420400 Fax: -- Email: js-coord[at]cbse[dot]gov[dot]in |
Vikas Pathak Under Secretary (IT) |
Tel: 011-22420400 Fax: -- Email: data2ce[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in |
Rajeev Aggarwal Principal Private Secretary |
Tel: 011-22420400 Fax: -- Email: js-coord[at]cbse[dot]gov[dot]in |
Manoj Kumar Pathak Under Secretary |
Tel: 011-22420400 Fax: -- Email: js-coord[at]cbse[dot]gov[dot]in |
Manoj Kumar Shah Under Secretary |
Tel: -- Fax: -- Email: -- |
Pardeep Kumar Dhingra Under Secretary |
Tel: 011-22420400 Fax: -- Email: js-coord[at]cbse[dot]gov[dot]in |
Shambhu Kant Ray Senior Private Secretary |
Tel: Fax: Email: |
Manoj Kumar Senior Account Officer |
Tel: 011-22420400 Fax: Email: js-coord[at]cbse[dot]gov[dot]in |
Professional Examinations | Piush Kumar Sharma Director (Professional Examinations) |
Tel: 011-22059683 Fax: 011-22509251 Email: peunit[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in |
Ritu Harsh Principal Private Secretary |
Tel:011-22059683 Email: peunit[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in |
Shambhu Lal Prasad Deputy Secretary (IT) |
Tel:-- Email : peunit[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in |
Rajesh Sethi Deputy Secretary |
Tel:011-22521081 Email : peunit[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in |
Account & Finance Unit | Neelakantan Ramanathan Additional Internal Auditor & Financial Advisor (AIAFA) |
Tel: 011-22429604 Email: iafacbse[at]gmail[dot]com |
Affiliation | Sh. Himanshu Gupta, IAS Secretary |
Tel: 011-22549627, 22549628 Fax:011-22459735 Email: secy-cbse[at]nic[dot]in |
Jaiprakash Chaturvedi Director |
Tel : -- Email: cbse[dot]aff[at]nic[dot]in |
Sachin Thakur Deputy Secretary |
Tel : -- Email: cbse[dot]aff[at]nic[dot]in |
Anil Kumar Deputy Secretary |
Tel : -- Email: cbse[dot]aff[at]nic[dot]in |
Manoj Kumar Gupta Deputy Secretary |
Tel : -- Email: cbse[dot]aff[at]nic[dot]in |
Sports | Dr. Manjit Singh Deputy Secretary (Sports) |
Tel: 011-22050061 Email: cbsegames[at]gmail[dot]com manjit[dot]cbse[at]gmail[dot]com |
Vigilance | Vivek Kumar Singh, IRSEE Chief Vigilance Officer |
Tel: 011- 22524152 Fax:011-22025545 Email: cvo[dot]cbse[at]nic[dot]in vigilance273[at]gmail[dot]com |
Amalendu Goswami Under Secretary (Vigilance) |
Tel: 011-22517253 Email: vigilance273[at]gmail[dot]com |
Training | Manoj Kumar Srivastava Director (Training) |
Tel: 011-22043634 Email: drtrgcbse[at]gmail[dot]com |
Mamta Khanna Senior Principal Private Secretary |
Tel: 011-22043634 Email: drtrgcbse[at]gmail[dot]com |
Dr. Swati Gupta Joint Secretary |
Tel: 011-22043634 Email: jstraining2018[at]gmail[dot]com |
Sudesh Gulia Under Secretary (IT) |
Tel:011-22043634 Email : it-training[at]cbse[dot]gov[dot]in |
Shweta Swapnil Moon Under Secretary |
Tel:011-22043634 Email : -- |
Thushara K Under Secretary |
Tel:011-22043634 -- |
Amit Garg Senior Accounts Officer |
Tel: 011-22043634 -- |
Media & Public Relations | Niti Shanker Sharma Deputy Secretary |
Tel: 011-22440083 Fax. 011-22440083 Email: prunit[at]cbse[dot]gov[dot]in |
Renu Sethi Principal Private Secretary |
Tel: 011-22440083 Email: prunit[at]cbse[dot]gov[dot]in |
PS 1-2, Institutional Area, I.P. Extension, Patparganj, Delhi - 110092 |
CTET | J.K. Yadav Director |
Tel: 011-22235774 Fax: 011-22235775 Email: ctet[dot]cbse[at]nic[dot]in |
Lakhan Lal Meena Joint Secretary |
Tel: 011-22240108 Fax: -- Email: ctet[dot]cbse[at]nic[dot]in |
Poonam Sachdeva Deputy Secretary |
Tel: 011-22240142 Fax: 011-22240142 Email: ctet[dot]cbse[at]nic[dot]in |
Anil Kapoor Deputy Secretary |
Tel: 011-22240142 Fax: 011-22240142 Email: ctet[dot]cbse[at]nic[dot]in |
Minni Senior Principal Private Secretary |
Tel: 011-22240110 Fax: -- Email: ctet[dot]cbse[at]nic[dot]in |
Md. Fida Hussain Under Secretary (IT) |
Tel: 011-22240110 Fax: -- Email: ctet[dot]cbse[at]nic[dot]in |
Sikhsha Sadan, 17, Rouse Avenue, Institutional Area Opposite Bal Bhawan, Near ITO, New Delhi-110002 Academic Unit |
Academics | Dr. (Mrs.) Praggya M. Singh Director (Academics) |
Tel: 011-23212603, 011-23234324 Email: directoracad[dot]cbse[at]nic[dot]in |
Dr. (Mrs.) Sweta Singh Joint Secretary (Academics) |
Tel: 011-23211575 Email: sweta[dot]cbse[at]gmail[dot]com |
Al Hilal Ahmed Joint Secretary (Academics) |
Tel: 011-23220158 Email: alhilal1049[dot]cbse[at]nic[dot]in |
Anjali Chhabra Joint Secretary (Academics) |
Tel: 011-23231067 Email: jsaa[dot]cbse[at]gmail[dot]com |
Dr. Pragya Verma Deputy Secretary (Academics) |
Tel: 011-23237779 Email: ddiecbse[at]gmail[dot]com |
Dr. Manjit Singh Deputy Secretary (Academics) |
Tel: 011-23233227 Email: manjit[dot]cbse[at]gmail[dot]com |
Sukh Dayal Singh Principal Private Secretary |
Tel: 011-23212603, 011-23234324 Email: directoracad[dot]cbse[at]nic[dot]in |
Abhishek Bajaj Under Secretary (Academics) |
Tel: 011-23238361 Email: bajajabhishek83[at]gmail[dot]com |
Skill Education | Dr. Biswajit Saha Director |
Tel: 011-23214737, 23216963 Fax. -- Email: directorvoc[dot]cbse[at]gmail[dot]com biswajitsaha[at]cbse[dot]gov[dot]in |
R.P. Singh Joint Secretary |
Tel: 011-23216220 Email: jsse[dot]cbse[at]nic[dot]in |
Archana Thakur Deputy Secretary |
Tel: 011-23238361 Fax. -- Email: Cbse[dot]archana[at]gmail[dot]com |
Enquiry | Tel: 011-22509256, 22509257, 22509258, 22509259 | ||
CBSE Helpline Number | 7669886950, 1800-11-8002 |
CBSE Regional Office Ajmer Location
Ajmer Region |
Todarmal Marg, Ajmer-305030
Name | Telephone | Fax | |
Shyam Kumar Regional Officer |
0145-2627460, 2629928 | roajmer[dot]cbse[at]nic[dot]in | -- |
Rajib Barua Deputy Secretary |
0145-2629929 | mm[dot]roajmer[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in director[dot]cbseajmer[at]gmail[dot]com |
-- |
Radha Krishan Balani Under Secretary |
0145-2629938 | mm[dot]roajmer[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Rajender Kumar Under Secretary |
0145-2629935 | store[dot]roajmer[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in swc[dot]roajmer[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in |
-- |
Anil Kumar Thakur Under Secretary |
0145-2629934 | confidential[dot]cbseajmer[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in legal[dot]roajmer[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in |
-- |
Asif Ali Under Secretary |
0145-2629937 | exam10[dot]cbseajmer[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in register[dot]cbseajmer[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in |
-- |
Prem Prakash Verma Senior Accounts Officer |
0145-2629936 | cbseroac[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Administration Section | 0145-2629927 | admnroajmer[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Examination/Registration Section | 0145-2629930 | exam10[dot]cbseajmer[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in exam12[dot]cbseajmer[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in |
-- |
Confidential Section | 0145-2421543 | confidential[dot]cbseajmer[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
IT Section | 0145-2629926 | it[dot]roajmer[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Accounts Section | 0145-2929931 | cbseroac[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
RTI/Grievance/Legal/Hindi/Section | 0145-2629932 | rtigri[dot]roajmer[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in legal[dot]roajmer[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in hindicell[dot]roajmer[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in |
-- |
General Enquiry (Duplicate Documents & Verification) |
0145-2621588, 2629929 | verificationmm[dot]roajmer[at]cbsshiksha[dot]in duplicatedoc[dot]roajmer[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in mm[dot]roajmer[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in |
-- |
General Enquiry (Regional Office, Ajmer) |
0145-2621588, 2621228 | roajmer[dot]cbse[at]nic[dot]in | -- |
CBSE Regional Office Bengaluru Location
Bengaluru Region |
Gnana Bharathi Main Road, Opp. National Law School of India University, Chandra Layout Extension II Stage
Name | Telephone | Fax | |
P. Ramesh Regional Officer (Deputy Secretary) |
08029909913, 08029909918 | robengaluru[dot]cbse[at]nic[dot]in robengaluru[dot]cbse[at]gov[dot]in |
-- |
M Vijayalakshmi Deputy Secretary (IT) |
08029909913, 08029909918 | robng[dot]admin[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Anitha J Sasven Under Secretary |
08029909913, 08029909918 | admn[dot]robangalore[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Suman Mittal Under Secretary |
08029909913, 08029909918 | exam[dot]robangalore[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Rahul Singh Rathore Assistant Secretary(IT) |
08029909913, 08029909918 | robng[dot]admin[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
K V Mohanan Assistant Secretary |
08029909913, 08029909918 | exam[dot]robangalore[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
V Savirhiri Senior Private Secretary |
08029909913, 08029909918 | robengaluru[dot]cbse[at]nic[dot]in | -- |
Usha Raghunathan Assistant Secretary |
08029909913, 08029909918 | admn[dot]robangalore[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Administration Section | 08029909913, 08029909918 | admin[dot]robangaalore[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Examination Section | 08029909913, 08029909918 | exam[dot]robangalore[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Confidential Section | 08029909913, 08029909918 | confi[dot]robangalore[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Accounts Section | 08029909913, 08029909918 | accts[dot]robangalore[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in accts[dot]robangalore[at]gmail[dot]com |
-- |
RTI/Grievance Section | 08029909913, 08029909918 | rti[dot]robangalore[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in pgro[dot]robangalore[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in |
-- |
Legal Section | 08029909913, 08029909918 | legal[dot]robangalore[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Hindi Section | 08029909913, 08029909918 | hindicell[dot]robangalore[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
SWC Section | 08029909913, 08029909918 | dak[dot]robangalore[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
General Enquiry | 08029909913, 08029909918 | hindicell[dot]robangalore[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
IT Section | 08029909912 | robng[dot]admin[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Marks & Maigration (Duplicate Documents, Correction & Verification) |
08029909914 | mm[dot]robangalore[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
CBSE Regional Office Bhopal Location
Bhopal Region |
Rohit Nagar, Phase-II, Ward No.53, Bawadia Kalan,
Name | Telephone | Fax | |
Vikas Kumar Agrawal Regional Officer |
0755-2425045 | robhopal[at]cbse[dot]gov[dot]in | -- |
O/o Regional Officer | 0755-2425045 | robhopal[at]cbse[dot]gov[dot]in | -- |
Sunil Kumar Rajak Assistant Secretary (IT) |
0755-2425044 | itunitbhopal[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Nishant Kumar Goyal Assistant Secretary |
0755-2425047 | robhopaladmn[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Prem Chand Sharma Assistant Secretary |
0755-2425042, 2928715 | robplabcell[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Administration | 0755-2425047 | robhopaladmn[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Examination & Registration Unit | 0755-2425046 | soexambhopal[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
IT Unit | 0755-2425044 | itunitbhopal[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Marks & Migration | 0755-2928717 | somandmbhopal[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Accounts | 0755-2425041 | robhopalac[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Confidential & AB Cell | 0755-2425042,0755-2928715 | robplabcell[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
RTI, Legal & Grievance | 0755-2928716 | robhopallegal[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
R&I Unit | 0755-2425049 | swc24[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Reception/General Enquiry | 0755-2425048 | robhopal[at]cbse[dot]gov[dot]in | -- |
CBSE Regional Office Bhubaneswar Location
Bhubaneswar Region |
Plot No. 4(PT), Saileshree Vihar, Chandrasekharpur, District Khordha - 751 021 Odisha
Name | Telephone | Fax | |
K. Srinivasan Regional Officer/Joint Secretary |
0674-2720612 | robhubaneshwar[dot]cbse[at]nic[dot]in robhubaneshwar[at]cbse[dot]gov[dot]in |
-- |
T. Mate Joint Secretary(Head CoE) |
0674-2720412 | cbsecoebbsr[at]gmail[dot]com | -- |
Rajneesh Kumar Under Secretary |
0674-2720102 | robhubaneshwar[at]cbse[dot]gov[dot]in | -- |
Lalit Kumar Himanshu Under Secretary |
0674-2720102 | robhubaneshwar[at]cbse[dot]gov[dot]in | -- |
Ramna Kornu Assisstant Secretary (IT) |
0674-2720102 | computer_robbsr[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Nabanita Sharmah Assisstant Secretary |
0674-2721712 | exam_robbsr[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Shekhar Kumar Singh Senior Private Secretary |
0674-2720102 | admin_robbsr[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Examination Section | 0674-2721712 | exam_robbsr[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Marks & Migration Section | 0674-2721012 | mm_robbsr[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Confidential Section | 0674-2721912 | conf_robbsr[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
IT Section | 0674-2720102 | computer_robbsr[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Account Section | 0674-2720102 | account_robbsr[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Administration Section | 0674-2720102 | admin_robbsr[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
RTI / Grievance Section | 0674-2720102 | rti_robbsr[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Reception | 0674-2721812 | -- | -- |
CBSE Regional Office Chandigarh Location
Chandigarh Region |
SCO 34 To 37, Jubilee Square, Aerocity, Block - E, Airport Road, Mohali, Punjab. Pin Code – 140306
Name | Telephone | Fax | |
Rajesh Kumar Gupta Regional Officer |
0172-2998201 | rochandigarh[dot]cbse[at]nic[dot]in rochd[dot]rooffice[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in |
J K Jain Joint Secretary(IT) |
0172-2998202 | rochandigarh[dot]cbse[at]nic[dot]in | |
Sunita Rani Under Secretary (CPIO, PGRO) |
0172-2998207 | rochd[dot]grievance[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in rochd[dot]legal[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in rochd[dot]rti[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in |
Sandeep Rajpal Principal Private Secretary |
7589560905 | rochandigarh[dot]cbse[at]nic[dot]in | |
Satish Bhoria Assistant Secretary |
0172-2998203 | rochd[dot]exam10[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in rochd[dot]exam12[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in |
Sandeepa Mathur Assistant Secretary |
0172-2998206 | rochd[dot]correction[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | |
Lalit Kataria Senior Private Secretary |
0172-2998208 | rochd[dot]abcell[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in rochd[dot]administration[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in |
General Enquiry/Reception/RTI/Grievance | 0172-2998205 | rochd[dot]reception[at]cbseshksha[dot]in rochd[dot]rti[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in rochd[dot]grievance[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in |
Administration Branch | 7589560907 | rochd[dot]administration[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | |
Exam Branch | 7589560903 | rochd[dot]exam10[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in rochd[dot]exam12[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in |
Accounts Branch | 7589560904 | rochd[dot]accounts[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | |
M&M Branch (For Name Correction Cases and Verifications / Transcripts) |
7589560906 | rochd[dot]correction[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in |
CBSE Regional Office Chennai Location
Chennai Region |
New No-3, Old No. 1630 A, "J" Block, 16th Main Road Anna Nagar West, Chennai-600040
Name | Telephone | Fax | |
Dinesh Ram Regional Officer |
044-26162213, 26162214, 26161100 | rochennai[dot]cbse[at]nic[dot]in rochennai[at]cbse[dot]gov[dot]in] |
044-26162212 |
J Sunil Kumar Under Secretary |
044-26162024 | mm[dot]rochennai[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
B Raman Assistant Secretary |
044-26161144 | admin[dot]rochennai[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
V K Jayaram Assistant Secretary |
044-26162213, 26162214, 26161100 | accts[dot]rochennai[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
K Jayalakshmi Assistant Secretary |
044-26162213, 26162214, 26161100 | confi[dot]rochennai[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Ram Dal Section Officer |
044-26164995 | pgro[dot]rochennai[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Administration Section | 044-26161144 | admin[dot]rochennai[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Examination Section | 044-26164708 | exam[dot]rochennai[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Confidential Section |
044-26162213, 26162214, 26161100 | confi[dot]rochennai[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Accounts Section | 044-26162213, 26162214, 26161100 | accts[dot]rochennai[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Marks and Migration Section | 044-26163215 | mm[dot]rochennai[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Computer Section | 044-26164608 | rochennai[at]cbse[dot]gov[dot]in | -- |
Reception | 044-26162213, 26162214, 26161100 | -- | -- |
Legal/RTI | 044-26162213, 26162214, 26161100 | legal[dot]rochennai[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
CBSE Regional Office Dehradun Location
Dehradun Region |
99, Kaulagarh Road, Dehradun - 248001, Uttarakhand
Name | Telephone | Fax | |
Manish Agarwal Regional Officer |
0135-2757744, 0135-2753250 | roddn[dot]cbse[at]nic[dot]in roddn[dot]cbse[at]gmail[dot]com |
-- |
Usha Negi Deputy Secretary |
0135-2757744 Ext 203 |
roddnadmn[dot]cbse[at]gmail[dot]com | -- |
Rajesh Kumar Gupta Deputy Secretary |
0135-2757744 Ext 105 |
roddnexam10[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in roddnexam12[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in |
-- |
Surender Kumar Assisstant Secretary |
0135-2757744 Ext 208 |
roddnadmn[dot]cbse[at]gmail[dot]com | -- |
Administration Section | 0135-2757744 Ext 206 |
roddnadmn[dot]cbse[at]gmail[dot]com | -- |
Examination/Registration Section | 0135-2757744 Ext 102, 103 |
roddnexam10[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in roddnexam12[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in |
-- |
Marks & Migration | 0135-2757744 Ext 108, 112 |
roddnmm[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Confidential Section | 0135-2757744 Ext 301, Helpline 7310704042 |
roddnabcell[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
IT Section | 0135-2757744 Ext 205, Helpline 7579214383 |
roddn[dot]cbse[at]nic[dot]in roddn[dot]cbse[at]gmail[dot]com |
-- |
Account Section | 0135-2757744 Ext 101 |
roddnacct[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
RTI / Grievance Section | 0135-2757744 Ext 206 |
roddnadmn[dot]cbse[at]gmail[dot]com | -- |
General Enquiry (Duplicate Documents & Verification) | 0135-2757744, 0135-2757766 Ext 208 |
roddn[dot]cbse[at]nic[dot]in roddn[dot]cbse[at]gmail[dot]com |
-- |
CBSE Regional Office Delhi East Location
Delhi East Region |
PS-1-2, Institutional Area, I.P.Extn. Patparganj, Delhi-110 092.
Name | Telephone | Fax | |
Sanjib Das Regional Director |
011-22248885, 22236190 | rodelhi[dot]cbse[at]nic[dot]in | 011-22248990 |
Snigdha Ghosh Deputy Secretary(A.B. Cell X) |
011-22236111 | abcellx123[at]gmail[dot]com | -- |
Rakesh Sharma Deputy Secretary(Confidential & Misc) |
011-22236174 | Rodle[dot]conf[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Arvinder Kaur Deputy Secretary(Admin, RTI/Legal & A B Cell X) |
011-22240113 | Rodle[dot]legal[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Ajay Mishra Under Secretary (IT) |
011-22236195 | rodelhi[dot]cbse[at]nic[dot]in | -- |
Lata Rani Arora Under Secretary (M&M Branch) |
011-22239069 | mmrodonline19[at]gmail[dot]com | -- |
Pawan Kumar Gaur Under Secretary (Admn.) |
011-22236113 | cbserodadmn[at]gmail[dot]com | -- |
Nutan Bhalla Under Secretary (Admn.) |
011-22239069 | mmrodonline19[at]gmail[dot]com | -- |
CBSE Regional Office Delhi West Location
Delhi West Region |
C-128 & C-129, Mangolpuri Industrial Area, Phase-1, Delhi – 110083,
Name | Telephone | Fax | |
Satpal Kaur Regional Officer |
011-61344830 | rodw[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Shalini Verma Principal Private Secretary |
011-61344830 | rodw[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Nisha Srivastava Deputy Secretary (AB Cell & Confidential, IT Cell, Hindi Cell, Legal,Vigilance, Maintenance, Complaints & Grievances and Harkara) |
011-61344823 | rodw[dot]conf[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Nutan Bhalla Under Secretary (M&M, RTI/PIO) |
011-61344848 | rodw[dot]mm[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Surender Singh Rawat Under Secretary (Administration, Accounts & Audit, Misc & Store) |
011-61344822 | rodw[dot]misc[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Sushma Grover Assistant Secretary (Exam X & XII) |
011-61344801 | rodw[dot]exam-x[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Meenakshi Kwatra Senior Private Secretary (M&M and R&I) |
011-61344813, 819 | rodw[dot]mm[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Section Officer (Administration, Exam X, Store, Maintenance) |
011-61344802 | rodw[dot]admin[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Section Officer (IT Unit, AB Cell & Confidential, Legal, Vigilance, Misc) |
011-61344824, 838 | rodwit[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Section Officer (Exam XII, RTI, Complaint, & Grievance) |
011-61344803 | rodw[dot]exam-xii[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Junior Account Officer (Accounts & Audit) |
011-61344860 | rodw[dot]acctts[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
CBSE Regional Office Dubai Location
Dubai Region |
C/o Consulate General of India AL Hamriya, Diplomatic Enclave P.O. BOX 737, Dubai United Arab Emirates(UAE)
Name | Telephone | Fax | |
Dr. Ram Shankar Director |
+971-43972517 | rodubai[at]cbse[dot]gov[dot]in | -- |
CBSE Regional Office Guwahati Location
Guwahati Region |
Shilpo gram Road (Near Sankar dev Kalakshetra), Panjabari, Guwahati-781037
Name | Telephone | Fax | |
Sandeep Tandon Regional Officer |
0361-2333333, 2331995 | roguwahati[dot]cbse[at]nic[dot]in | 0361-2330992 |
-- -- |
-- | -- | -- |
CBSE Regional Office Noida Location
Noida Region |
A-83, Sector -136, Noida, G.B. Nagar (U.P.) – 201305
Name | Telephone | Fax | |
S. Dharini Arun Regional Officer |
0120-2973461/62/63 0120-2973464 Ext. 107 |
ronoida[at]cbse[dot]gov[dot]in | |
Sundeep Kumar Gupta Senior Private Secretary |
0120-2973461/62/63 Ext. 107 |
ronoida[at]cbse[dot]gov[dot]in | |
Ajay Gupta Deputy Secretary |
0120-2973461/62/63 | ronoida[dot]it[at] | |
Suresh Kumar Under Secretary (M&M and Store) |
0120-2973461/62/63 Ext. 202 |
ronoida[dot]mm[at] | |
Usha Negi Under Secretary (Admin, Legal, Grievance, RTI-PIO) |
0120-2973461/62/63 Ext. 112 |
ronoida[dot]administration[at] | |
Kundan Lal Under Secretary (Accounts, R&I/SWC) |
0120-2973461/62/63 Ext. 401 |
ronoida[dot]accounts[at] |
CBSE Regional Office Panchkula Location
Panchkula Region |
Sector- 5 , Panchkula - 134109 (Haryana)
Name | Telephone | Fax | |
Shekhar Chandra Regional Officer |
0172-2585193 | ropanchkula[dot]cbse[at]nic[dot]in | -- |
Seema Khakha Deputy Secretary & Head (COE) |
0172-2521500 Extn. – 131 |
coe[dot]Panchkula[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Sanjay Kumar Bist Deputy Secretary |
0172-2521500 Extn. – 114 |
ropanchkula[dot]cbse[at]nic[dot]in | -- |
Vijay Prakash Purohit Under Secretary |
0172-2521500 Extn. – 105 |
ropanchkula[dot]cbse[at]nic[dot]in | -- |
Sanjay Syal Under Secretary |
0172-2521500 Extn. – --- |
ropanchkula[dot]cbse[at]nic[dot]in | -- |
Suneet Sharma Assistant Secretary |
0172-2521500 Extn. – 104 |
ropanchkula[dot]cbse[at]nic[dot]in | -- |
Prashant Kumar Goyal Assistant Secretary |
0172-2521500 Extn. – 107 |
ropanchkula[dot]cbse[at]nic[dot]in | -- |
CBSE Regional Office Patna Location
Patna Region |
Ambika Complex, Behind State Bank Colony, Near Brahmsthan, Sheikhpura,Raza Bazar, Bailey Road Patna-800 014
Name | Telephone | Fax | |
Anil Kapoor Regional Officer |
0612-2295008 | ropatna[dot]cbse[at]nic[dot]in | 0612-2295008 |
Gopal Lal Yadav Deputy Secretary |
0612-2295008 | ropatna[dot]cbse[at]nic[dot]in | -- |
Kamlesh Under Secretary |
0612-2295008 | ropatna[dot]cbse[at]nic[dot]in, | -- |
Haridhan Das Senior Private Secretary |
0612-2295008 | ropatna[dot]cbse[at]nic[dot]in | -- |
Mahesh Satija Assistant Secretary |
0612-2295008 | ropatna[dot]cbse[at]nic[dot]in | -- |
Sunil Kumar Rajak Assistant Secretary (IT) |
0612-2295008 | ropatna[dot]cbse[at]nic[dot]in | -- |
CBSE Regional Office Prayagraj (Allahabad) Location
Prayagraj (Allahabad) Region |
35 B, Civil Station, M.G. Marg, Civil Lines, Prayagraj (Allahabad) - 211001
Name | Telephone | Fax | |
Lalit Kumar Kapil Regional Officer |
0532-2400434 0532-2400119 Ext. 111 |
roallahabad[dot]cbse[at]nic[dot]in | -- |
Dr. Akhilesh Kumar Under Secretary Head CoE |
0532-2400335 | coeallahabad2020[at]gmail[dot]com | -- |
Anurag Kumar Singh Under Secretary (Exam/Admn/Legal/RTI/Grievance) |
0532-2400434 0532-2400119 Ext. 127 |
roallahabad[dot]cbse[at]nic[dot]in | -- |
Abhishek Kumar Assistant Secretary (IT) |
0532-2400434 0532-2400119 Ext. 116 |
roald[dot]computer[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Brijesh Kumar Senior Private Secretary /In-Charge (M&M) |
0532-2400434 0532-2400119 Ext. 128 |
roallahabad[dot]cbse[at]nic[dot]in | -- |
Ajai Kumar Maheshwari Assistant Secretary (Confidential/AB Cell) |
0532-2400434 0532-2400119 Ext. 115 |
roallahabad[dot]cbse[at]nic[dot]in | -- |
Meenakshi Nayyar Assistant Secretary (Accounts/Rajbhasha/SWC/Store) |
0532-2400434 0532-2400119 Ext. 137 |
roallahabad[dot]cbse[at]nic[dot]in | -- |
Section Officer (Marks & Migration) |
0532-2400434 0532-2400119 Ext. 1/2 |
roald[dot]mmc[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Section Officer (Exam- X/XII) |
0532-2400434 0532-2400119 Ext. 3 |
roald[dot]exam12[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in roald[dot]exam12[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in |
-- |
Section Officer (Confidential/AB Cell) |
0532-2400434 0532-2400119 Ext. 4 |
roald[dot]confidential[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Junior Accounts Officer DDO (Accounts) |
0532-2400119 0532-2400434 Ext. 5 |
roald[dot]accounts[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Section Officer (Legal/RTI) |
0532-2400434 0532-2400119 Ext. 136 |
roald[dot]rti[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in roald[dot]legal[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in |
-- |
Section Officer (CoE) |
0532-2400335 | coeallahabad2020[at]gmail[dot]com | -- |
General Inquiry |
0532-2400119 0532-2400434 |
-- | -- |
CBSE Regional Office Pune Location
Pune Region |
RLM Business Park, SR. NO. 28/4/A, Old Kharadi Mundava Road, Opposite to Bollywood Multiplex, Kharadi, Pune – 411014 Maharashtra
Name | Telephone | Fax | |
Ram Veer Regional Officer |
020–67112828 | ropune[dot]cbse[at]nic[dot]in | -- |
Rakesh Kumar Senior Private Secretary to Regional Officer |
020-67112809 020-67112821 |
ropune[dot]cbse[at]nic[dot]in | -- |
Krishan Murari Under Secretary (IT) |
020-67112816 | ropune[dot]cbse[at]nic[dot]in | -- |
Vishwa Bharati Bhatt Assistant Secretary |
020–67112817 | ropune[dot]confi[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Anand Parkash Assistant Secretary |
020–67112855 | admin[dot]ropune[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Examination Branch | 020–67112805 | exam[dot]cbsepune[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Confidential & AB Cell | 020–67112808 | ropune[dot]confi[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in ropune[dot]confi1[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in |
-- |
Marks & Migration | 020–67112811 | mm[dot]cbsepune[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Administration | 020–67112803 | admin[dot]ropune[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Junior Accounts Office | 020–67112804 | accounts[dot]cbsepune[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
RTI/Legal/Public Grievance/R & I | 020–67112806 | legal[dot]cbsepune[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
IT Unit | 020–67112810 | ropune[dot]cbse[at]nic[dot]in | -- |
Reception / Enquiry | 020–67112800 | ropune[dot]cbse[at]nic[dot]in | -- |
CBSE Regional Office Thiruvananthapuram Location
Thiruvananthapuram Region |
CTTC, Admin Block, BSNL RTTC Campus, Kaimanam, Thiruvananthapuram - 695040, Kerala
Name | Telephone | Fax | |
Mahesh D. Dharmadhikari Regional Director |
0471-2534405 | rotrivandrum[dot]cbse[at]nic[dot]in | -- |
PA to RD | 0471-2534405 | rotrivandrum[dot]cbse[at]nic[dot]in | -- |
Satya Saroj Under Secretary |
0471-2534409 | rotrivandrum[dot]cbse[at]nic[dot]in | -- |
Nirmal Rakesh Yaramalla Assistant Secretary (IT) |
0471-2534496 | rotrivandrum[dot]cbse[at]nic[dot]in | -- |
K.Geetha Assistant Secretary |
0471-2530445 | rotrivandrum[dot]cbse[at]nic[dot]in | -- |
Section Officer Administration Unit |
0471-2534415 | rotvm[dot]soadmin[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Section Officer Examination Unit |
0471-2534407 | rotvm[dot]soexam[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Junior Accounts Officer Accounts Unit |
0471-2534408 | acctscbse[dot]tvm[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Section Officer Confidential Unit |
0471-2534403 | rotvm[dot]soconfi[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Section Officer Marks & Migration Unit |
0471-2534419 | rotvm[dot]somm[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
General Enquiry/Reception Marks & Migration Unit |
0471-2534404, 2534406 | rotrivandrum[dot]cbse[at]nic[dot]in | -- |
Receipt & Issue (R&I) Section | 0471-2534404, 2534406 | rotvm[dot]sodak[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Legal/RTI | 0471-2534404, 2534406 | rotvm[dot]solegal[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Public Grievance/Complaints | 0471-2534404, 2534406 | rotrivandrum[dot]cbse[at]nic[dot]in | -- |
CBSE Regional Office Vijayawada Location
Vijayawada Region |
2nd & 3rd Floors, Stalin Central, M. G. Road (Beside Hotel Manorama), Governor pet, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh – 520002
Name | Telephone | Fax | |
Suvendu Sekhar Das Regional Officer |
0866-2942144 | rovijayawada[at]cbse[dot]gov[dot]in | -- |
R S Venkatesan SPS to RO |
0866-2942144 | rovijayawada[at]cbse[dot]gov[dot]in | -- |
Shweta B. Lakra Under Secretary(IT) |
0866-2942146 | computer[dot]rovijayawada[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Kunal Kumar Under Secretary (Admin, Legal, Stores & Rajbhasha) |
0866-2942144 | admin[dot]rovijayawada[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
S Nirmala Assistant Secretary (Confidential & RTI) |
0866-2942145 | confi[dot]rovijayawada@cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
B Geetha Assistant Secretary (Exams & Accounts) |
0866-2942146 | exam[dot]rovijayawada[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Section Officer (Admin) |
0866-2942145 | admin[dot]rovijayawada[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Section Officer (Exams) |
0866-2942146 | exam[dot]rovijayawada[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Section Officer (Stores & M&M) |
0866-2942146 | stores[dot]rovijayawada[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Junior Accounts Officer | 0866-2942146 | accts[dot]rovijayawada[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
RTI | 0866-2942145 | rti[dot]rovijayawada[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Public Grievance/Complaint No | 0866-2942145 | pg[dot]rovij[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in | -- |
Sl. No. | Name and Address of CoEs | Contact Person | Contact No | Jurisdiction |
1 | COE Ajmer Todarmal Marg Ajmer - 305030 |
Sanjeev Srivastava Deputy Secretary (Head CoE) |
Tel:- 0145-2630770 Email:-coeajmer[at]gmail[dot]com |
As per the jurisdiction of R.O., Ajmer |
2 | COE BENGALURU Gnana Bharathi Main Road Chandra Layout Extension II Stage Nagarbhaavi Bengaluru Karnataka 560072 |
Dr. Sandeep Kumar Jain Joint Secretary |
Tel: 080-29902942 coe[dot]robangalore[at] |
As per the jurisdiction of RO BENGALURU |
3 | COE Bhopal Rohit Nagar, Phase-II, Ward No. 53, Bawadia Kalan, Bhopal 462039 |
Vikas Kumar Agarwal Under Secretary (Head CoE) |
Tel:- 0755-2425043 Email:-coe[dot]bhopal-1[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in |
As per the jurisdiction of R.O., Bhopal |
4 | COE Bhubaneswar Plot No. 4 (Pt.), Shailashree Vihar, Chandrashekharpur, Bhubaneswar - 751021 |
Thongkholet Mate Joint Secretary | Tel:- 0674-2720412 Email:- cbsecoebbsr[at]gmail[dot]com |
As per the jurisdiction of RO Bhubaneswar |
5 | COE Chandigarh SCO-34 To 37, Jubilee Square, Block E, Aerocity, SAS Nagar, Mohali, Punjab - 140603 |
Ramandeep kaur Deputy Secretary |
Tel:- 0172-2998211, 0172-2998212 Email:- coechandigarh[at]gmail[dot]com, coechandigarh[at]cbse[dot]gov[dot]in |
As per the jurisdiction of RO Chandigarh |
6 | COE Chennai New No 3 Old No 1630A, J Block, 16th Main Road Anna Nagar West, Chennai - 600040 |
Arunima Mazumdar Joint Secretary (Head CoE) |
Tel:- 044-26163970 Email:- coe[dot]chennai[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in |
As per the jurisdiction of RO Chennai |
7 | COE Dehradun 99 Kaulagarh Road, Dehradun - 248001 |
Manish Tyagi Deputy Secretary (Head CoE) |
Tel:- 9548045400 Email:- cbse[dot]coedoon[at]gmail[dot]com |
As Per the jurisdiction of RO Dehradun |
8 | COE Delhi (East) PS 1-2 Institutional Area, IP Extn. Patparganj Delhi - 110092 |
Subhash Chand Garg Deputy Secretary |
Tel:- 011-22241055 Email:- cbsecoedelhi[at]gmail[dot]com |
As per the jurisdiction of RO Delhi (East) except Foreign Schools |
9 | COE Delhi (West) C-128-129, Mangolpuri Industrial Area, Phase-I, New Delhi-110083 |
Usha Negi Deputy Secretary |
Tel:- 011-61344827, 011-61344829 Email:- cbsecoedw[at]gmail[dot]com |
As per the jurisdiction of RO Delhi (West) |
10 | COE Dubai (UAE) C/o Consulate General of India AL Hamriya, Diplomatic Enclave P.O. BOX 737, Dubai United Arab Emirates(UAE) |
Dr. Ram Shankar Director |
+971-43972517 rodubai[at]cbse[dot]gov[dot]in |
All Foreign Schools Affiliated with CBSE Board |
11 | COE Guwahati Shilpo Gram Road (Near Sankar Dev Kalakshetra),Panjabari Guwahati - 781037 |
Arvind Kumar Mishra Deputy Secretary |
Tel:- Email:- coeguwahati[at]gmail[dot]com |
As per the jurisdiction of RO Guwahati |
12 | COE Noida Regional Office, Noida, A-83, Sector-136, Noida Uttar Pradesh |
Poonam Sachdeva Joint Secretary (Head COE) |
Tel:- 120-2990170 Email:- coenoida[dot]cbse[at]gmail[dot]com |
As per the jurisdiction of RO Noida |
13 | COE Panchkula CBSE Regional Office Panchkula, Sector - 5 Panchkula Haryana - 134152 |
Seema Khakha Deputy Secretary |
Tel:- Email:-coe[dot]panchkula[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in |
As per the jurisdiction of RO Panchkula |
14 | COE Patna Ambika Complex, Behind State Bank Colony, Near Brahmsthan, Sheikhpura, Raza Bazar, Bailey Road Patna - 800014 |
Ravi Prakash Assistant Secretary (Incharge) |
Tel:- 0612-2295008 Email:- cbsecoepatna[at]gmail[dot]com, coepatna[dot]cbse[at]nic[dot]in |
As per the jurisdiction of RO Patna |
15 | COE Prayagraj(Allahabad) 35 B, Civil Station, M. G. Marg, Civil Lines, Prayagraj - 211001 |
Dr. Akhilesh Kumar Under Secretary |
Tel:- 0532-2400335 Email:- coeallahabad2020[at]gmail[dot]com |
As As per the jurisdiction of RO Prayagraj (Allahabad) |
16 | COE Pune RLM Business Park, SR. NO. 28/4/A, Old Kharadi Mundava Road, Opposite to Bollywood Multiplex, Kharadi, Pune – 411014 Maharashtra |
Dr. Mridula Singh Deputy Secretary |
Tel:- 2067112802 Email:- cbsecoe[dot]pune[at]gmail[dot]com |
Maharashtra, Goa, Daman & Diu, Dadra & Nagar Haveli |
17 | COE Thiruvananthapuram CTTC, Admin Block, BSNL RTTC Campus, Kaimanam, Thiruvananthapuram Kerala - 695040 |
H. Annapurni Assistant Secretary |
Tel:- 4712530402 Email:- headcoe[dot]tvm[at]cbse[dot]gov[dot]in cbsecoe[dot]tvm[at]gmail[dot]com |
As per the jurisdiction of RO Thiruvananthapuram |
18 | COE Vijayawada 2nd & 3rd Floors, Stalin Central, M. G. Road (Beside Hotel Manorama), Governor pet, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh – 520002 |
V Aruna Under Secretary |
Tel:-0866-2942147, 2942148 Email:- coevijayawada[dot]cbse[at]gmail[dot]com |
As per the jurisdiction of RO Vijayawada |
19 | Advance Centre for Continuous Professional Development Rai Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh |
Vikas Arora Deputy Secretary |
Tel:- 9680651945 Email:- accpd[dot]RaeBareli[at]cbseshiksha[dot]in |
20 | CoE Foreign Schools Shiksha Kendra, 2, Community Centre, Preet Vihar, Delhi-110092 |
Thushara K. Under Secretary |
Tel:- 011-22043634 Email:- coeforeignschools[at]gmail[dot]com |
Foreign Schools |
21 | Training Headquarters Shiksha Kendra, 2, Community Centre, Preet Vihar, Delhi-110092 |
Dr. Swati Gupta Joint Secretary |
Tel:- 011-22043634 Email:- drtrgcbse[at]gmail[dot]com |
Training Headquarters |