Finance Committee

The Finance Committee shall act as an Advisory Body in all matters concerning the finances of the Board. The financial statement and the annual budget estimates of the Board shall first be laid before the Finance Committee and then submitted to the Board with its recommendations.

The Composition of the Finance Committee is as under:
(a) The Chairman;
(b) One nominee of the Controlling Authority; and
(c) Two members of the Board elected by the Board.
(d) The Secretary of the Board shall act as the Secretary of the Committee

Curriculum Committee

The duties/function of the Committee shall be : -

(a) To consider the total number of compulsory and optional subjects for each of the Board’s examination
(b) To recommend curricula for the Board’s examinations and the syllabus in each subject.
(c) To consider proposals for the introduction of new subjects and the exclusion of existing subjects.
(d) To consider questions of the formation of a group of subjects and the alteration of one group with another
(e) To recommend to prescribe text-books, when considered necessary, in conformity with the syllabus.

The Composition of the Curriculum Committee is as under:

(a) The Chairperson
(b) Director (Academics), CBSE
(c) Additional Director (Sch.), Directorate of Education, NCT, Delhi
(d) Joint Commissioner, Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, Delhi
(e) Deputy Commissioner, Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti, Noida
(f) Principal, Rabea Girls Public School, Ballimaran Road, New Delhi

(g) Department of Pol. Science, GTBK College, University of Delhi
(h) Asst. Professor, NCERT, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi
(i) Principal, Bal Bharti Public School, Ganga Ram Hospital Marg, New Delhi
(j) Dept. of Physics, University of Delhi
(k) Associate Professor, Hansraj College, University of Delhi
(l) Principal (Retd.) SRCC, Mayur Vihar, Delhi
(m) Principal, SGTBK College, University of Delhi
(n) Professor, NSIT, University of Delhi
(o) Professor, University of Delhi
(p) Retd. Professor, University of Delhi
(q) Director, School of Continuing Education, IGNOU
(r) Former Director, ABVIITM, Gwalior
(s) Professor, NCERT, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi
(t) Dept. of Music & Faculty of M&FA, University of Delhi
(u) Associate Professor, Amity University, Noida

Examination Committee

The function of the Committee is : -

(a) To order examinations in conformity with the Regulations and to fix dates for holding them.
(b) To consider the recommendations of the Committee of courses with regard to examiners, paper-setters, and moderators and to prepare a list of examiners, paper-setters, and moderators for the approval of the Board.
(c) To recommend the number of question papers to be set in each subject after receiving recommendations from the Committees of Course concerned.
(d) To recommend the duration of written tests in different subjects after receiving recommendations from the Committee on Courses concerned.
(e) To propose maximum and minimum marks for each subject and for each part of a subject after receiving recommendations from the Committee on Courses concerned.
(f) To recommend forms of applications to be filled in by candidates applying for permission to appear in the examinations and forms of certificates to be granted to successful candidates
(g) To propose rates of honoraria for paper-setters, examiners, moderators, tabulators, checkers and others.
(h) To propose the opening and closing of centres of examinations.
(i) To suggest the mode of conducting the oral and practical tests, if any.
(j) To issue instructions to candidates and Superintendents of Examination Centres.
(k) To deal with all complaints relating to the question papers set for the examination provided that no complaint shall be entertained unless it is made by a member of the Board or by not less than two heads of affiliated Higher Secondary Schools and is received in the office of the Board within three days of the date of release of question paper complained against provided further than no orders shall be passed on any complaint until a report has been obtained from the paper –setter and the moderator concerned.
(l) To consider all other matters arising out of the conduct of examinations and to make recommendations, where necessary, to the Board.

The Composition of the Examination Committee is as under:
(a) The Chairman
(b) Joint Commissioner, Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
(c) Director Education, Govt. of NCT of Delhi
(d) Principal, Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur Khalsa College
(e) Retired Professor, Tarang Apartments, I.P.Extension, Delhi-110092
(f) Addl. Director of Education, Directorate of Education
(g) Principal, DPS Sahibabad
(h) Controller of Examinations, CBSE- Member Secretary

Results Committee

The functions of the Committee are as follows : -

(a) To review the tabulated results prepared by the Director (IT) and to moderate them, if necessary
(b) To frame rules for the award of grace marks.
(c) To direct the publication of the results as moderated by the Committee.
(d) To deal with the cases of unfair means at the examinations and such other cases pertaining to the result of the candidates as are referred to it by the Secretary.

The Composition of Result Committee is as under:
(a) Secretary
(b)Controller of Examinations
(c) Head of the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
(d) Head of the Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti
(e) Director Education, Govt. of NCT of Delhi
(f) Controller of Examinations as Convener.

Affiliation Committee

The functions of the Committee are as follows

(a) To scrutinize applications for affiliation.
(b) To make recommendations to the Board about the suitability or otherwise of the institutions applying for affiliation.
(c) To lay down minimum qualifications for teachers and heads of institutions and to fix minimum periods of teaching in the institutions affiliated to the Board.
(d) To form a Panel of Inspectors for the inspection of institutions.
(e) To advise the Board in such other matters as may be entrusted to it by the Board.
The Composition of the Affiliation Committee is as under :
1. The Chairman
2. Four Educational Elected by the Board from amongst its members
3. One member nominated by the Controlling authority
4. The Secretary of the Board is Secretary of the Committee

Committees of Courses

Committees of Courses are constituted for such other subjects of study as may from time to time be prescribed by the Board.
Each Committee of Courses shall lay down a syllabus in the subject (s) with which it is concerned and when necessary recommend suitable textbooks.

Training Advisory Committee

The Training Advisory Committee is the highest policy making body of the Training Unit.The Training Advisory Committee approves the policies proposed by the Training Unit for preparing resource material as well as conducting effective training programs for the teachers of the affiliated schools of CBSE along with Principals’ Leadership programs .
The Composition of the Training Advisory Committee is as under:
(a) Chairperson, CBSE
(b) Director, Skill Education & Training, CBSE
(c) Additional Secretary, UGC (Representative from UGC)
(d) Head, ESD, NCERT (Representative from NCERT)
(e) Research Officer, Academic Section, NCTE (Representative from NCTE)
(f) Associate Professor, NIEPA, Delhi (Representative from NIEPA)
(g) Additional Commissioner (Acad.), KVS (Representative from KVS)
(h) Assistant Commissioner (Training), NVS (Representative from NVS)
(i) Deputy Director, RCI (Representative from RCI)
(j) PSSCIVE, Bhopal
(k) Director, SCERT, Delhi
(l) Director, SCERT, Rajasthan
(m) Director, SCERT, Sikkim
(n) Dean, School of Vocational Studies, Ambedkar University, Delhi
(o) Director, Centre for Professional Development in Higher Education (UGC-HRDC), University of Delhi
(p) Associate Professor, Deptt. of CSE, IIT-Delhi
(q) Principal, The Lucknow Public Collegiate, Ruchi Khand I, Sharda Nagar, Lucknow (UP)
(r) Principal, Springdales School, Pusa Road, Delhi
(s) Principal, Saraswathi Vidyanikethan Public School, Perandoor Road, Elamakkara, Kochi, Kerala

Skill Education Committee

Functions of Skill Education Committee:-

Constituted in 2012, Skill Education Committee is the highest policy-making body of the Department of Skill Education, CBSE. The functions of this committee are:
1. To decide the curriculum of skill subjects and the introduction of new subjects.
2. To promote the development of resource materials for students and teachers.
3. To approve the training schedule for the teachers.
4. To approve and guide the policy related to skill promotion, industry connects, assessment and certification of Skill courses.

The Composition of Skill Education Committee is as under:

(a) Chairperson, CBSE
(b) Director, Skill Education & Training, CBSE
(c) Commissioner, KVS, Delhi.
(d) Commissioner, NVS, Delhi.
(e) Director of Education, Govt. Of NCT of Delhi.
(f) Director of Education, Govt. Of Sikkim.
(g) Director of Education, Govt. Of Arunachal Pradesh.
(h) Director of Education, Govt. Of Andaman.
(i) DPI, Chandigarh
(j) Director General- National Skill Development Agency
(k) MD and CEO-National Skill Development Corporation
(l) Secretary, UGC, Delhi.
(m) Director General of CII.
(n) Director General of FICCI
(o) Director (studies), NCHMCT, Noida.
(p) Dean (Academics), Delhi University, Delhi.
(q) Ms. Banhi Jha, Sr. Professor, NIFT, New Delhi.
(r) Joint Director, PSSCIVE, Bhopal
(s) Director (Vocational), AICTE, New Delhi
(t) DDG (DGE &T), Govt. Of India, Delhi
(u) Director (Vocational) National Institute of Open Schooling, Noida.
(v) Director, School of Vocational Studies, IGNOU
(w) Project Director (DKMA), Krishi Anusandhan Bhawan-I, Pusa, New Delhi
(x) Head, Financial Education School & Universities, N S E, New Delhi.
(y) Principal, Takshiela Jr. College, Ujjain.
(z) Principal St. Thomas School, Mandir Marg.
(aa) Principal DPS Bangalore East.
(bb) Principal, DAV International School, Amritsar.
(cc) Director, Sanskriti School, Hyderabad

IT Committee

CBSE, a National Education Board of country, is a technology enabled and IT implementation has been done in almost all its domains. As IT implementation is growing day by day in CBSE, an IT Advisory Committee (ITAC) has been constituted under the Chairmanship of Chairman, CBSE.
The constitution of committee is as follows:

1. Give strategic direction and review of IT implementations in CBSE.
2. State-of-art technology implementation in various applications of the Board.
3. Formation of data security, privacy and sharing policy.
4. Procurement of hardware and software.
5. Hiring of manpower services for various projects.
6. Ensuring compliance to NDEAR.
7. Any other item with the permission of the Chair