• Affiliation Bye-Laws

    • Academic Performance Of School

      The School seeking Affiliation should also satisfy the following conditions as per norms of Affiliation Bye Laws, 2018.

      Clause 2.4:8 Quality of Education
      The school must be quality driven and must strive for excellence in all aspect of its activities. It must follow the directions issued by the Board from time to time regarding introduction of innovative practices in areas of curriculum, pedagogy and evaluation.

      Clause 12.2.15: Regarding Penalty
      Poor academic performance of the school for three consecutive years in not being able to keep at least 50 per cent of passes of the general pass percentage.

    • Annual Medical Check-Up Of Students

      The School seeking Affiliation should also satisfy the following conditions as per norms of Affiliation Bye Laws, 2018.

      Clause 14.6: The school shall arrange the medical check-up of the students at least once every year and keep a proper record of the same.

      Clause 14.7: The school shall take steps to see that physical & health education, life skills education, digital education for students and teachers, experiential learning, value education with particular emphasis on National Integration is imparted to students through teaching of various subjects and activities in the school curriculum.

    • Counsellor & Wellness Teacher

      The School seeking Affiliation should also satisfy the following conditions as per norms of Affiliation Bye Laws, 2018.

      Clause 2.4.12: Counsellor & Wellness Teacher
      Every Secondary and Senior Secondary school shall appoint a person on full time basis for performing the duties of Counsellor & Wellness Teacher. The person appointed as Counsellor and wellness teacher shall be either a Graduate/Post Graduate in psychology or Post Graduate in Child Development or Graduate/Post Graduate with Diploma in Career Guidance and Counselling. Schools having enrolment of less than 300 students in classes from IX to XII can appoint a Counsellor & Wellness Teacher on part-time basis.

    • Curriculum To Be Followed Including No Streams Policy

      The School seeking Affiliation should also satisfy the following conditions as per norms of Affiliation Bye Laws, 2018.

      Clause 2.4.6: Curriculum and Syllabus
      (a) The school will follow the curriculum and the syllabus prescribed by CBSE/NCERT.
      (b) The School will follow the scheme of study for different classes as prescribed in the Examination Byelaws of the Board.

    • Desirable Condition To Be Fulfilled For Becoming A Cbse School

      The School seeking Affiliation should also satisfy the following conditions as per norms of Affiliation Bye Laws, 2018.

      Clause 2.3.8 and 2.4.9: Website
      The school seeking affiliation shall develop and maintain its website providing all vital information regarding the school on the website.
      Every affiliated school will develop their own website containing comprehensive information such as Affiliation status, details of infrastructure, details of teachers including qualifications, number of students, address-postal and e-mail, telephone nos., copies of transfer certificates issued, etc. as may be directed by the Board from time to time. The website so created should also have information with regard to fees charged.

      Clause 2.4.11: Special Educator
      Every Secondary and Senior Secondary school should appoint a person on full time basis for performing the duties of Special Educator. The appointment and qualifications of Special Educator shall be in accordance with guidelines laid down by the Board and the minimum requirements laid down by Rehabilitation Council of India in this regard.

      Clause 2.4.12: Counselor & Wellness Teacher
      Every Secondary and Senior Secondary school shall appoint a person on full time basis for performing the duties of Counselor & Wellness Teacher. The person appointed as Counselor and wellness teacher shall be either a Graduate/Post Graduate in psychology or Post Graduate in Child Development or Graduate/Post Graduate with Diploma in Career Guidance and Counseling. Schools having enrolment of less than 300 students in classes from IX to XII can appoint a Counselor & Wellness Teacher on part-time basis.

      Clause 6.3: Books of Accounts
      It shall be the responsibility of the school to maintain its account in a transparent and accountable manner based on accounting standards. The accounts should be audited and certified by a Chartered Accountant and proper accounts statements should be prepared and maintained as per extant laws/rules.

      Clause 6.6: Reserve Fund
      The school will maintain a reserve fund if the laws/regulations of the Appropriate Government so stipulates in the manner prescribed under such laws/ rules.

      Under Point 8 of Appendix IV: EPF
      That the school will ensure compliance of all statutory requirements like EPF, ESI and Labour Laws etc. with respect to the school and staff of the school.

    • Environment Education

      The School seeking Affiliation should also satisfy the following conditions as per norms of Affiliation Bye Laws, 2018.

      Clause 14.26: Environment Education
      The school must strive to promote conservation of environment on their campus through rain water harvesting, segregation of waste at source, recycling of organic waste, proper disposal of waste including electronic waste, use of energy saving and energy efficient electrical equipment, greening of campus, use of solar energy, education and awareness amongst children on environmental conservation and cleanliness, etc.
      The annual report of the school must contain a write up on all efforts made in this regard every year.

    • Essential Condition To Be Fulfilled For Becoming A Cbse School

      The School seeking Affiliation should also satisfy the following conditions as per norms of Affiliation Bye Laws, 2018.

      Clause 2.3.9: Documents Prescribed-
      At the time of application, schools will be required to submit information in online application portal and two documents as prescribed: one from the District Education administration as per Appendix-II or Appendix-III as applicable and a self- affidavit as per Appendix-IV.

    • In-service Training

      The School seeking Affiliation should also satisfy the following conditions as per norms of Affiliation Bye Laws, 2018.

      Clause 16.1: ANNUAL TRAININGS
      Every affiliated School will arrange for the following Training Programmes every year for all its Teachers:
      16.1.1 Every School shall organize 3 Days’ in-house training programme for every teacher at the School level.

      16.1.2 Every school should organize at least 2 days’ training programme for its teachers preferably in association with the Centres of Excellence (C.O.E.) of the Board or through any Teachers’ Training Institute recognized by the Centre/UT/State/Regional Teachers’ Training Institutions, a CBSE Sahodaya School Complex or through Centre/State IT training platforms such as DIKSHA or SWAYAM etc. The School can also arrange this training with the help of established Teachers’ Training Institutions.

      16.1.3 Every school should organize at least 2 days’ training programme for its Principal preferably in association with the Centres of Excellence (C.O.E.) of the Board or through any Teachers’ Training Institute recognized by the Centre/UT/State/Regional Teachers’ Training Institutions, a CBSE Sahodaya School Complex or through Centre/State IT training platforms such as DIKSHA or SWAYAM etc. The School can also arrange this training with the help of established Teachers’ Training Institutions.

      Clause 16.2: TRIENNIAL TRAININGS
      In addition to provisions of clause 16.1, every school for its entire teaching staff shall organize full time Training Programme of not less than 5 days, at least once in three years. Such training programme may be organized by the school preferably in Association with the C.O.E.’s of the Board or through any Teachers’ Training Institute recognized by the Centre/UT/State/Regional Teachers’ Training Institutions, a CBSE Sahodaya School Complex. School can also arrange this training with the help of established training institutions.

      Clause 16.3:
      The entire training programme as specified in Clauses 16.1 to 16.2 and sub-clauses thereto shall be properly videographed and documented including Training participation Certificates of teachers and the records be preserved and produced during the time of affiliation, upgradation, extension etc. or during inspection or as and when required by the Board for verification.

      Clause 16.4: TRAINING BUDGET
      16.4.1: Every School shall earmark adequate budget for Training of Teachers/Principals.

      16.4.2: Every School shall remit to the CBSE such fee for training of Teachers/Principals at the CBSE Training Centres as prescribed by the Board from time to time.

      Clause 16.5: Board may consider the request of foreign schools, to conduct training in the school by deputing a resource person, subject to the condition that the cost and expenses of the training and trainer will be borne by the school.

      Clause 16.6: QUALITY ASSESSMENT
      To help in establishing a level of acceptable quality in all aspects of school functioning, the Board may decide quality assessment criterion and accordingly make it mandatory for the schools to undergo the process of quality assessment in a manner prescribed by the Board.

    • Period Of Affiliation

      The School seeking Affiliation should also satisfy the following conditions as per norms of Affiliation Bye Laws, 2018.

      Clause 2.7: Period of Affiliation
      Schools which fulfill all the requirements of the Affiliation Bye-Laws shall be granted affiliation for an initial period of Three Years even if not expressly mentioned in the grant letter.

      Clause 10.3: Extension of Affiliation
      The Board after initial affiliation may grant extension of Affiliation for a further period of 5 years provided the School conforms fully to the norms of affiliation under these Byelaws and the other conditions laid down for extension from time to time.

    • Physical Education

      The School seeking Affiliation should also satisfy the following conditions as per norms of Affiliation Bye Laws, 2018.

      Clause 2.4.10: Physical Education Teacher
      Every school should appoint Physical Education Teacher in the prescribed grade with PET to pupil ratio of 1:500 at each stage i.e. Primary Level/Secondary Level and Sr. Secondary level and they should be designated as PRT (Physical Education), TGT (Physical Education) and PGT (Physical Education).

      Clause 4.7.8:
      The School should have adequate facilities for providing recreation activities and physical education as well as for conduct of various activities and programs for developmental education and for the social, cultural and moral development of the students and for safeguarding their health.

    • Playground

      The School seeking Affiliation should also satisfy the following conditions as per norms of Affiliation Bye Laws, 2018.

      Clause 3.1.1
      The land on which the school is located should necessarily be a contiguous single plot of land. If there are more than two survey numbers etc. all the survey numbers/plots should be adjacent/touching each other and shall make a single plot of land on the whole.

      Clause 3.1.2
      A suitable building should be constructed on a part of the land mentioned in 3.1.1 above.

      Clause 3.1.3
      A proper playground should exist on the remaining part of the land mentioned in 3.1.1 above.

      Clause 4.7.9: Playground
      Adequate ground to create outdoor facilities for at least 200 meter Athletics Track. Facilities for Kabbadi, Kho-Kho, Volleyball, basketball etc.

    • Provision For School Website In Affiliation Bye-Laws

      The School seeking Affiliation should also satisfy the following conditions as per norms of Affiliation Bye Laws, 2018.

      Clause 2.3.8 and 2.4.9: Website
      The school seeking affiliation shall develop and maintain its website providing all vital information regarding the school on the website.
      Every affiliated school will develop their own website containing comprehensive information such as Affiliation status, details of infrastructure, details of teachers including qualifications, number of students, address-postal and e-mail, telephone nos., copies of transfer certificates issued, etc. as may be directed by the Board from time to time. The website so created should also have information with regard to fees charged.

    • Provision Of Textbooks In Affiliation Bye-Laws

      The School seeking Affiliation should also satisfy the following conditions as per norms of Affiliation Bye Laws, 2018.

      Clauses 2.4.7: Books
      (a) The School may prescribe NCERT text books in the classes and subjects in which these have been published by the NCERT. Extreme care should be taken in the selection of books of private publishers so that there is no objectionable content that hurts the feeling of any class, community, gender or any religious group in society.
      (b) The School shall put a list of prescribed books on its website with the written declaration duly signed by the Manager and the Principal to the effect that they have gone through the contents of the books prescribed by the school and own the responsibility. If a school is found prescribing a book having any objectionable content, the responsibility for such content shall lie with the school and action will be initiated against the School by the Board.

    • Record/Documentation

      The School seeking Affiliation should also satisfy the following conditions as per norms of Affiliation Bye Laws, 2018.

      Clause 14.19: Records/Documentation
      The School shall maintain the following records/documents:
      (a) Admission and withdrawal register.

      (b) Annual examination question papers and answer sheets of all classes will be preserved till the end of September of the next academic year including the records related to internal assessment.

      (c) Records of attendance of all pupils especially attendance of Class IX & X, XI & XII (wherever applicable) for the purpose of admission to the Board’s Examinations. The entries in these Registers shall be properly checked and signed by the Principal or a teacher nominated by the Principal.

      (d) Service records of Teaching and Non-Teaching Staffs which include Appointment Letters, Confirmation Letters, Service Books and other service related correspondence.

      (e) Financial Documents as specified in these Byelaws.

      (f) Annual e-returns submitted by school on OASIS and U-DISE portal as per the specified dates.

      (g) Any other documents required under statutory obligations.

      (h) Any other documents specified by the Board from time to time.

    • Right Of Persons With Disabilities

      The School seeking Affiliation should also satisfy the following conditions as per norms of Affiliation Bye Laws, 2018.

      Clause 14.15: Right of Persons with Disabilities
      14.15.1 School will provide proper facilities like ramps in toilets for wheel chair users, auditory signals in elevators/lifts and other possible infrastructural facilities in accordance with the provisions laid down in RPWD Act-2016.

      14.15.2 School shall promote inclusion of student with special needs in the normal school as per provisions of the “Rehabilitation of Persons With Disabilities Act 2016’ and in conformity with National Policy of Education”.

    • Role Of Head Of School

      The School seeking Affiliation should also satisfy the following conditions as per norms of Affiliation Bye Laws, 2018.

      Clause 9.2: Head of the School
      The school must strive to promote conservation of environment on their campus through rain water harvesting, segregation of waste at source, recycling of organic waste, proper disposal of waste including electronic waste, use of energy saving and energy efficient electrical equipment, greening of campus, use of solar energy, education and awareness amongst children on environmental conservation and cleanliness, etc.
      The annual report of the school must contain a write up on all efforts made in this regard every year.

      9.2.1 Head of the School/Principal will be the ex-officio. Member Secretary of the School Management Committee.

      9.2.2 Will function as the Head of the office of the school under his charge and carry out all Academic and Administrative duties required of a head of educational institute.

      9.2.3 Will ensure that all provisions of the Affiliation and Examination Byelaws and all directions given by CBSE from time to time are strictly complied with.

      9.2.4 Be the drawing and disbursing officer for the employees of the school however in the case of an unaided school, he may perform only such function, as drawing and disbursing officer as may be specified in the instructions issued by the Society.

      9.2.5 Be responsible for the proper maintenance of accounts of the school, school records, service books of teachers, and such other registers, returns and statistics as may be specified by the Society/Board.

      9.2.6 Handle official correspondence relating to the school and furnish, within the specified dates, the returns and information required by the State Government/Board.

      9.2.7 Make purchases of stores and other materials required for the school in accordance with the rules governing such purchases and enter all such stores in stock register and shall scrutinize the bills and make payments.

      9.2.8 Conduct physical verification of school property and stock at least once a year and ensure the maintenance of stock registers neatly and accurately.

      9.2.9 Be responsible for proper utilization of the Pupils Fund.

      9.2.10 Make satisfactory arrangements for the supply of good drinking water and provide other facilities for the pupils and ensure that the school building, its fixtures and furniture, office equipment, lavatories, play grounds, school garden and other properties are properly and carefully maintained.

      9.2.11 Supervise, guide and control the work of the teaching and non-teaching staff of the school.

      9.2.12 Be in-charge of admission in the school, preparation of school timetable, allocation of duties and teaching load to the teachers, and shall provide necessary facilities to the teachers for the discharge of their duties and conduct of school examination in accordance with the instructions issued by the Government /Board from time to time;

      9.2.13 Plan the year’s academic work in advance in consultation with his colleagues and hold staff meeting at least once a month, review the work done during the month and assess the progress of the pupils.

      9.2.14 Help and guide the teachers to promote their professional growth and actively encourage their participation in courses designed for in service education.

      9.2.15 Promote the initiative of the teachers for self-improvement and encourage them to undertake pedagogical and other innovations which are educationally sound.

      9.2.16 Supervise class room teaching and secure co-operation and coordination amongst teachers of the same subject areas as well as inter subject coordination.

      9.2.17 Arrange for special remedial teaching of the children belonging to the weaker sections of the community also of other children who need such remedial teaching.

      9.2.18 Arrange for informal and non-class room teaching.

      9.2.19 Plan and specify a regular time-table for the scrutiny of pupils written work and home assignment and ensure that the assessment and corrections are carried out timely and effectively.

      9.2.20 Make necessary arrangement for organizing special instructions for the pupils according to their needs.

      9.2.21 Organize and coordinate various co-curricular activities through the house system or in such other effective ways as he may think fit.

      9.2.22 Develop and organize the library resources and reading facilities in the school and ensure that the pupils and teachers have access to and use of books and journals of established value and usefulness.

      9.2.23 Send regularly the progress reports of the students to their parents or guardians.

      9.2.24 Promote the physical well being of the pupils, ensure high standard of cleanliness and health habits, and arrange periodical medical examinations of the students and send medical reports to parents or guardians.

      9.2.25 Devote at least one period per day to teaching of the pupils.

      9.2.26 Be responsible for sending teachers for the evaluation of answer scripts in respect of Board’s Examinations and other duties related to academics, training and conduct of examinations as per requirements of the Board from time to time.

      9.2.27 The Principal/Head of the School shall not refuse any duty assigned by the Board in connection with the conduct of examinations, evaluation of answer scripts, result processing and other ancillary activities. The Principal/Head of the School shall act as a Centre Superintendent whenever and wherever appointed by the Board and shall not delegate his authority, duties and responsibilities to any other person under any circumstances.

    • Role Of Manager/Correspondent Of School

      The School seeking Affiliation should also satisfy the following conditions as per norms of Affiliation Bye Laws, 2018.

      Clause 9.3: Manager/Correspondent of the School
      9.3.1 The Manager / Correspondent will be an important and necessary link between the Trust / Society and the school. S/he shall be responsible for carrying out the instructions of the Board.

      9.3.2 S/he should ensure that the directions from the Society are conveyed to the School Management Committee and to the Head of the Institution properly.

      9.3.3 S/he will exercise general supervision over the school, subject to the control of the Management Committee.

      9.3.4 S/he shall exercise such financial powers as are prescribed in the Scheme of Management and delegated to him.

      9.3.5 S/he shall sign on the appointment letters, letters for disciplinary action against the staff and termination, and suspension letters etc. on behalf of the Management Committee.

      9.3.6 S/he shall not interfere with the Head of the school in discharge of his responsibilities and duties.

      9.3.7 All correspondence concerning Affiliation/recognition shall be countersigned by him.

    • Role Of Society/Trust/Company

      The School seeking Affiliation should also satisfy the following conditions as per norms of Affiliation Bye Laws, 2018.

      Clause 9.1: Society/Trust/Company
      9.1.1 The Society/Trust/Company will ensure that the school is running as per the provisions of the Education Act, other relevant Acts of Centre/State/UT Governments and Affiliation norms of CBSE and shall be committed to provide quality education to the children and shall take necessary steps as per its needs for this.

      9.1.2 It should ensure that the school gets proper land, building, library, laboratories, equipment for sports and other co-curricular activities, furniture and qualified staff and ensure prescribed safety precautions for children as per norms of the Board and actual requirements.

      9.1.3 It shall ensure that the school is run as a community service and not as a business and that commercialization does not take place in the school in any manner whatsoever.

      9.1.4 It shall ensure that the funds accruing from the school are spent for the benefit of the same school and extending the cause of education.

      9.1.5 It shall safeguard the autonomy of the Principal.

      9.1.6 It shall have control over the school management committee.

      9.1.7 It shall have control over any capital expenditure i.e., on land and the construction of building, its expansion and procurement of major equipments for the school.

      9.1.8 It shall provide funds for the needs of the school whether it is recurring or non-recurring.

      9.1.9 It shall ensure that the teachers employed in the school are imparted teachers training as per the directions issued by the Board from time to time.

      9.1.10 It shall ensure that the teachers/principal and infrastructure available with the school are made available to the Board for and the conduct of public examinations, evaluation of answer sheets, the result processing and other ancillary activities etc.

      9.1.11 It shall ensure that the Principal/Head of the School does not refuse any duty assigned by the Board in connection with the conduct of examinations, evaluation of answer scripts, result processing and other ancillary activities.

    • School Annual Report

      The School seeking Affiliation should also satisfy the following conditions as per norms of Affiliation Bye Laws, 2018.

      Clause 14.5: The school should prepare its annual report containing comprehensive information including name, address postal and e-mail, telephone numbers, affiliation status, period of affiliation, details of infrastructures, academic calendar, details of teachers including qualifications, details of teachers’ training, academic achievements, write up on all efforts made in the field of environment education, sports achievements, Innovations, overall results, PTA activities, important SMC decisions, number of students, etc. and post the same on school’s website before 15th September of every year.

    • Special Education Teacher

      The School seeking Affiliation should also satisfy the following conditions as per norms of Affiliation Bye Laws, 2018.

      Clause 2.4.11: Special Educator
      Every Secondary and Senior Secondary school should appoint a person on full time basis for performing the duties of Special Educator. The appointment and qualifications of Special Educator shall be in accordance with guidelines laid down by the Board and the minimum requirements laid down by Rehabilitation Council of India in this regard.

    • School Fee

      The School seeking Affiliation should also satisfy the following conditions as per norms of Affiliation Bye Laws, 2018.

      Chapter 7: School Fees
      Societies /trust /companies are required to run schools without any profit motive in accordance with the provisions contained in these bye laws. The School shall endeavor to charge fees to the extent the expenses for running the School are met. Schools shall follow the following norms in respect of the fees charged from pupils:
      7.1 No Society/Trust/Company/School shall charge capitation fee or accept donations for the purpose of admission for pupils.

      7.2 Admission Fee and Fee charged under any other head are to be charged only as per the regulations of the Appropriate Government.

      7.3 Fees shall be charged under the heads prescribed by the Department of Education of the State/UTs.

    • School Management Committee

      The School seeking Affiliation should also satisfy the following conditions as per norms of Affiliation Bye Laws, 2018 and circular no. 10.2019 dated 08.03.2019.

      Chapter 7: School Management Committee
      Subject to relevant provision in the Education Act of the State/UT concerned, every affiliated school should have a scheme of management as per following clauses.
      8.1 All the schools affiliated with the board shall have a School Management Committee as stipulated in RTE Act 2009, any other enactment or regulations framed by the State/Appropriate Government.

      8.2 Composition of School Management Committee:
      8.2.1 The management committee of a recognized aided school shall consist of not more than fifteen members; and the management committee of a private unaided school shall consist of not more than twenty one members; However in case of senior secondary schools offering vocational subject additional member(s) (subject expert(s) as per subject offered may be appointed.

      8.2.2 subject to provisions of clause 8.1 and the total number of members specified in clause 8.2.1, every management committee shall include the following namely:—
      (a) The Head of the school. S/he will be a Member Secretary of the School Management Committee;

      (b) Two parents of students studying in the school. One father and one mother of students specifically in co-educational schools.

      (c) Two teachers of the schools;

      (d) Two other persons (of whom one shall be women); who are, or have been, teachers of any other school or of any college, to be nominated by the Trust/Society/Company;

      (e) Two members to be nominated by the Board;

      (f) The remaining members to be nominated or elected as the case may be, in accordance with the rules and regulations of the society/trust/Company running the school.

      (g) Members may be nominated as per the conditions, if any, laid down in the “No Objection Certificate”.

      (h) At least fifty percent members should be women.

      Provided further that the above provisions shall be implemented with immediate effect and the schools affiliated earlier and not complying with above provisions shall be required to take remedial measures with suitable qualified substitutes within a year of notification of these byelaws.

      8.3 The term of the members of the Management Committee shall be three years. A member can be re-nominated for another term but a member cannot remain in office for more than two consecutive terms except ex-officio members and the members of the Trust/Society/Company.

      8.4 Powers and Functions of the School Management Committee
      Subject to overall control of the Society/Trust/ Company the duties, powers and responsibilities of the School Management Committee shall include but not limited to the following:
      8.4.1 It shall supervise the activities of the school for its smooth functioning.

      8.4.2 It will work according to the specific directions given by the Society/Trust/Company regarding admission policy. However, it shall ensure that admissions are made as per merit without discretion of gender, disability, religion, race, caste, creed and place of birth etc. strictly as per state policy.

      8.4.3 It shall look into the welfare of the teachers and employees of the school.

      8.4.4 It shall evolve both short-term and long-term plans for the improvement of the school.

      8.4.5 It shall make appointment of teachers and non teaching staff.

      8.4.6 It shall exercise financial powers beyond those delegated to the Principal within the budgetary provisions of the school.

      8.4.7 It shall take stock of academic programmes and progress of the school without jeopardizing the academic freedom of Principal.

      8.4.8 It shall guide the Principal in school management.

      8.4.9 It shall ensure that the norms given in the Acts/Rules of the State/UT and of the CBSE regarding terms and conditions of service and other rules governing recognition/Affiliation of the school are strictly adhered to.

      8.4.10 It shall ensure that no financial irregularity is committed and no irregular procedure with regard to admission/examinations is adopted.

      8.4.11 It shall approve the rates of Fees and other charges subject to the conditions laid down in Chapter-7.

      8.4.12It shall review the budget of the school presented by the Principal and forward the same to Society/Trust/Company for approval.

      8.4.13 It shall ensure the safety and security of children and staff of the school and give directions for improvement.

      8.4.14 It shall look in to grievances of the teachers and staff in connection with their service conditions and pay etc. and dispose such grievances in accordance with applicable rules.

      8.4.15 The School Management Committee will meet at least twice in an academic session.

      8.5 The provisions contained in Acts and Regulations of the Appropriate Government will prevail upon the provisions related to School Management Committee in these byelaws.

    • Society Registration

      The School seeking Affiliation should also satisfy the following conditions as per norms of Affiliation Bye Laws, 2018.

      Clause 2.3.2: Registration Under Law
      In case of schools mentioned in clauses 2.1.6, 2.1.7 and 2.1.8, there should be a properly constituted Registered Society/Registered Trust/Registered Company under section 8 of the Companies Act – 2013 (Hereinafter referred to as Society/Trust/Company) having non-proprietary character not vesting control in a single individual or members of a family, conforming to the extant laws and rules.

    • Sponsoring Candidates For Examination

      The School seeking Affiliation should also satisfy the following conditions as per norms of Affiliation Bye Laws, 2018.

      Clause 14.2: Board’s Examinations
      It is mandatory for every affiliated school to follow the Examination Bye-laws of the Board mutatis mutandis.
      14.2.1 Every affiliated school shall present a list of number of students and their particulars in respect of Classes IX, X, XI & XII at the time of beginning of an academic session in the manner prescribed by the board.

      14.2.2 No affiliated school shall present the candidates to the Board’s examination who are not on its rolls.

      14.2.3 No affiliated school shall present the candidates to the Board’s examination who are enrolled in an unaffiliated School/Branch.

      14.2.4 No affiliated school shall present the candidates to the Board’s examination who are on its roll but have not attended the school regularly or do not meet the requirement of minimum attendance for appearance in the Board’s examination.

      14.2.5 Every affiliated school shall sponsor regularly its bonafide and eligible students in Boards Class X and Class XII examinations from the year mentioned while granting affiliation/upgradation regularly without break or inform with reasons thereof in writing well in time about the non-sponsoring of the candidates.

      14.2.6 The school affiliated to the Board shall not send candidates for examination of any other Board/University. It shall prepare candidates for the Secondary and Senior Secondary examinations of the CBSE only.